Spend graduation with family instead of friends
Dear Lindsay,
Graduation is coming up and I really want to spend the day with
my friends after the ceremony. My parents want to have a bunch of
family over right after. What can we do?
-Torn Grad
Spend graduation with family instead of friends
Dear Lindsay,
Graduation is coming up and I really want to spend the day with my friends after the ceremony. My parents want to have a bunch of family over right after. What can we do?
-Torn Grad
Dear Lindsay,
I just got my driver’s license, but my parents never want to let me drive. What can I do to get them to trust me?
-Highway Bound
Dear Highway Bound,
Start out small with them. Drive with them in the car so they see that you are a good driver. Obviously if you got your license, you are a good driver. Just keep letting them know that. They will warm up to you driving. It’s not that they don’t trust you; it’s just that they have a trust issue with other drivers. They just want you to be safe.
Dear Lindsay,
My boyfriend and I never like the same movies so we always get in a fight when we try to decide what to see and then end up not going. How can we settle our differences?
-Cinema Differences
Dear Cinema Differences,
Since compromising on what movie to see is not working out, try to compromise on who chooses the movie. You choose what movie you watch, and then have him choose next time. Make a pact that you will not complain on what the other chooses.
Dear Lindsay,
I might have to take summer school this summer, but I still want to have a lot of fun. What can I do to balance school and fun?
-Summer Bummer
Dear Summer Bummer,
Having summer school doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to have a summer. Chances are you’ll be done around noon so you still have the rest of the day to soak up the sun. Get your homework out of the way first, and play after. Plus, you’ll have the weekends. Go to the beach with your family or friends on the weekends and on weekdays go to lunch with all your friends.