Picnic held to celebrate the achievments by the graduates
The San Benito County Probation Department held a picnic
celebration at the San Benito County Historical Park for 19
juveniles who graduated from the Juvenile Work Service Program July
Picnic held to celebrate the achievments by the graduates
The San Benito County Probation Department held a picnic celebration at the San Benito County Historical Park for 19 juveniles who graduated from the Juvenile Work Service Program July 30.
Those in attendance of the graduation included Margie Barrios, the chair of the County Board of Supervisors, Chief Probation Officer Brent Cardall, Probation Officer Darlene Torres, Juvenile Hall Superintendent Kevin Nitzel and Gang Prevention Coordinator Al DeVos.
Over the last six months the Juvenile Work Service Program participants have volunteered at the San Benito County Library, the Community Food Bank, the Farmers Market, the Homeless Coalition, Presbyterian Church and the Historical Park.
The Historical Park was a great opportunity for these kids, according to coordinator Jennifer Stiers. The minors learned how to drive a tractor, use a skill saw, repair a deck and move farm equipment.
She said they are in the process of making the Historical Park a permanent place for the Juvenile Work Service Program to volunteer.
“During the ceremony we acknowledged minors for the positive impact they have made on our community,” Stiers wrote in a press release.
Two minors were presented with certificates of excellence for their services. The first was a young lady who was referred to San Benito County Library for her service hours. While working there she participated in reading groups with young children. She continued to volunteer even after her assigned hours were completed.
“We are proud to say she is now an employee at the library and continues to read to the children,” Stiers said.
The second minor awarded a certificate of excellence was a young man who became quite the group leader at the San Benito County Historical Park. He has shown outstanding Leadership skills, especially with the younger members of the work program.
“We are very proud of all of the graduates,” Stiers said.
The picnic included tug of war games between the juveniles and probation staff. They also participated in a water balloon toss, which left us all a little yet.
“The graduation was a huge success,” Stiers said. “It is important for the Probation Department to recognize the positive actions minors are making in our community. We are always happy to have families and community members come together to recognize the accomplishments of our youth.”