I don’t have much of a reaction to the new president, Barack
Obama. I’m neither for him nor against him. We are writing on
whether he will change things. Either for the good or bad, and
honestly I don’t know. I do not know what he stands for. I don’t
know what his views on anything are. Nor do I care. Yes I live here
in the United States of America, but I do not keep up with anything
political. He might make people think differently, considering he’s
the first African American president, because people seem to be
excited about this. And for him to bring change.
That’s a lot of pressure for one person. Truthfully can one
person really change anything? Yes he has other people to help,
even Congress but for the whole United States? I’m not sure he can
make any type of change.
Aundria Borba
I don’t have much of a reaction to the new president, Barack Obama. I’m neither for him nor against him. We are writing on whether he will change things. Either for the good or bad, and honestly I don’t know. I do not know what he stands for. I don’t know what his views on anything are. Nor do I care. Yes I live here in the United States of America, but I do not keep up with anything political. He might make people think differently, considering he’s the first African American president, because people seem to be excited about this. And for him to bring change.

That’s a lot of pressure for one person. Truthfully can one person really change anything? Yes he has other people to help, even Congress but for the whole United States? I’m not sure he can make any type of change.

Aundria Borba

Although I am not a member of the Democratic Party myself, having our first African American as president is an exciting triumph to witness. It is amazing to hear about my grandparents’ and even my parents’ past times and look forward to mine and see such an extreme transformation since then. It inspires me to see that the color of someone’s skin doesn’t give them less of a chance; although that practice is not one I have heard much of in my lifetime. None-the-less, hearing and witnessing such a big part of history is interesting to me.

Christina Garibay

I’m happy for our new president. He seems like an honest person and is glad to help America in its time of need with different problems. His speech that he gave at his inauguration has meaning of new hope for people in America. He said that he would follow the ways of the founders of America. As he said that, I knew that he would be a great president and change America for the better.

His election inspires me to serve my country for the better good with him as my commander in chief. It also makes me want to register to be able to vote so I can try and keep him in office for the next set after his time is up, if he keeps all his intentions true and doesn’t change any of them. He seems like a very good person but I’ll find that out when his actions are taken into effect.

I’m pretty sure that the views of people around the world will be affected by this new president. It’s because he’s the first African American President for the United States of America.

It impacts everyone forever since it’s pretty much history in the making, the first African American president in the United States. This can impact everyone in America and around the world. New hope is his saying and I think there is new hope now.

Jasper Falmog

“A man whose father less than 60 years ago might not have been served at a local restaurant can now stand before you to take a most sacred oath.” Barack Obama became the 44th president of the United States of America on Jan. 20. Many people are so proud to have an African-American man in office. Then there are those people who would have things differently. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I think it is about time for people to get over themselves and accept. America is the land of the free; shouldn’t that apply to the presidency as well? Anyone should be free to run for president no matter what race, ethnicity, religion, sex, or sexual preference. With Obama as president, America is one step closer to a more diverse nation. People will learn to be more accepting and open-minded during the next four years. Obama will put the United back in the United States of America.

Julia Yanez

I think that President Obama is exactly what this country needs right now. With him as the new President a fresh new start can lead to change for the better. I have noticed the people around me become more hopeful. Happy for this change, not only because of his views, but because this is a huge change for this country, for this nation really. The very first African American president, of course people are happy .Our nation has come very far in very little time.

Once again, because of him being the first African American president, this will change the country’s perception on things. Problems ranging from the war, to different Congress problems, and our economy issues.

All in all, this new president will be a huge change on us, and our world today. I believe it will be a change for the better. To change our future … for the better

Lauren Hurtado

It’s the age of change, a kind of change that brings hope to those with little. With the recent inauguration of President Barak Obama, the atmosphere of most of America has seemed to change. I realized that, suddenly, everything seems young and fresh like a new beginning is around the corner. People have again become hopeful of a bright future that was promised to all Americans.

I know that I, personally, will be affected by his presidency; his decisions affect the choices I will make when I become an adult. I am inspired by him, mainly because he is proof that the world can change. If we work together, we can take a bad thing and make it good. And that is what the United States has done. We have taken years of racial discrimination and flip-flopped it, resulting it in having an African-American President.

I am hopeful for my future and determined to make the best of it that I can. Obama shines a light on every corner of America, even our small town of Hollister. Hope thrives and equality and justice is apparent. It is obvious that there are extremely hard times ahead, but with the hope that Obama has given us, it’s worth it.

Rachel Ramirez

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