The city council is set to approve a contract change for the Riverside/Brigantino Park Recycled Water Project at next Monday’s meeting to raise the total cost by $268,000.
It would make way for additional paving at the park deemed necessary by the county. The contract would still use Gilroy-based Perma-Green Hydroseeding, which already is contracted for the project, on the additional duties. Construction is under way for the park along the city’s west-side gateway near the wastewater plant.
Original plans for the driveway from San Juan-Hollister Road leading into the park had been more simplified, said City Manager Clint Quilter, but the county reviewed the plans and requested that more work be done.
“Shoulder work and turn lanes need to be put in,” Quilter said.
The additional paving adds to the prior cost of $1.8 million on the park, which will be treated with recycled water from the newly opened sewer plant.