The California Highway Patrol has arrested a 41-year-old biker
accused of fleeing on his motorcycle and nearly striking an agent
after being recognized last weekend in Tres Pinos, Hollister police
Sgt. George Ramirez confirmed today.
The California Highway Patrol has arrested a 41-year-old biker accused of fleeing on his motorcycle and nearly striking an agent after being recognized last weekend in Tres Pinos, Hollister police Sgt. George Ramirez confirmed today.
An arrest warrant had been issued for a 41-year-old biker whom police allege fled on his motorcycle when recognized by a state parole agent Sunday, according to a press release from the Hollister Police Department. Ramirez confirmed the man was identified and arrested by the CHP in Los Banos, but he did not have additional information.
The man, Efrain Fraga, already had been wanted as a parolee at large and for having outstanding warrants. Officers conducting a security check at a Tres Pinos restaurant recognized Fraga and attempted an arrest. The man, however, got on the motorcycle and sped away while nearly striking a parole agent, according to the statement.
An additional arrest warrant, therefore, had been issued against him alleging assault with a deadly weapon, according to police.
Below, see the premiere of The News and You, with Gypsy Tour Motorcycle Classic promoter Roger Grimsley as a guest.