"Coraline Escape," a pastel drawing by San Benito High School senior Ciera Cavanaugh, won first prize at a statewide contest. Photo courtesy of Ciera Cavanaugh

SBHS Senior Wins Art Contest

Ciera Cavanaugh, a senior at San Benito High School was chosen as the winner of her category for the California Coastal Art and Poetry Contest. Cavanaugh placed first for her artwork in the 10th- through 12th-grade art category.

Cavanaugh won for her pastel drawing called “Coraline Escape.” In winning, she received a $100 gift certificate for art supplies. Her drawing will also be used by the California Coastal Commission as outreach materials.

Cavanaugh is currently enrolled in the Advanced Placement studio art course at the high school, and has studied for three years under John Robrock, an art teacher at SBHS. Robrock has encouraged his students to take part in the contest over the past five years, and his students have won first place in the senior high category for four of those five years.

Another of Robrock’s students, Tim Malko, won an honorable mention for his pastel titled “Somewhere Over the Kelp.”

Sacred Heart Science Fair

More than 40 students participated in the Sacred Heart Parish Science Fair on Tuesday evening. Each student received a certificate and pin for participating in the fair. The winners were awarded a medal. Grades 4 and up will proceed to the San Benito County Fair on April 17.

Sacred Heart would like to give special thanks to the judges, Will White, Steve Scherr, MD, Perry Hall, Bill Johnson, Marilyn August, Mark Thompson, for volunteering their time for this event. The school congratulates all of its participants.

K-3 category winners: Tori Yamaoka for “Crazy Bubbles,” Cameron Burchard for “Crystal Creation” and Felicia Markfield for “How strong is your hair?”

Grades 4-6 category winners: Erica Leung for “Aerodynamics,” Kyle Markfield for “Where’s the Vitamin C?” and Megan Carvalho for “Solar Still”

Grades 7 and 8 category winners: Hina Moheyuddin for “What keeps roses fresher?” Jake Hunter for “Hydrogen Powered Horn” and Ruby Arreola “Measuring your taste threshold”

SBHS Students Perform for State Legislators

As a part of the 9th Annual Youth In Theatre event, seven San Benito High School students met with legislators to discuss the importance of arts in education, and perform for them.

Students Matt Thorpe, Raquel Arballo, Ricardo Casas, Dina Silva, Beth Bounnard, Fermin Gonzalesz and Nate Gardner of SBHS performed on the Sacramento Theater Company’s mainstage. They were seven of more than 300 theater students and educators who took part in the statewide event.

The students were taken to the event, where they met with their legislator and were able to go on the senate floor, by the high school drama teacher, Christine Plank.

Independent Study Program Accepting Applications

San Benito High School’s Independent Study program is now accepting applications for fall 2007. The program offers students an individualized study plan, with a weekly one-on-one teacher meeting, rather than the traditional classroom instruction. Interested students and families can now pick up an application from the Independent Study office located in SBHS’s new administration building on Nash Road.

For more information, call Linda Yetter at 637-5831 ext. 467 or Melissa Casas at 637-5831 ext. 464.

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