Downtown Farmers’ Market Needs Better Timing
Downtown Farmers’ Market Needs Better Timing


I support local business. I shop at local stores, eat at local restaurants and I would love to support local farmers more by attending the Farmers’ Market. But like some people in town I commute to work out of the area and by the time I get home, I have missed the 3-7pm window of opportunity to attend the market. So I often frequent the Farmers’ Market near my office or drive to one of the local area markets on the weekend.

If the Downtown Association would like more people to attend the market they need to consider changing the timing. Consider 4-8pm, or better yet, how about Saturday or Sunday so it can be a family event?

Last year I called the Downtown Association and spoke to a very sympathic woman who encouraged me to write expressing my views to the Association, and I did, but she said some farmers do not want the market held at another time because their time in Hollister was not profitable.

If the Downtown Association is locked into 3-7pm with the farmers, they need to consider more advertising for people passing through the area and for residents that may not know there is a market – one small sign on Highway 156 and banners on San Benito Street are not enough. How about some signs on Highway 25 or at 101 and 25 junction? The should also consider advertising on Web sites like, which lists all the markets and growers in the U.S.

I agree that this valuable resource should not be lost but the farmers and the association need to consider some changes.

Valeri Hovland,


Thanks to Law Enforcement


Now that the unofficial rally (or whatever it was) is history, I’d like to thank Chief Miller and staff, Sheriff Hill and staff, the dispatchers and all other law enforcement agencies and personnel on duty that kept our community, residents and visitors safe.

A necessary job well done. Thank you.

For those who think this was overkill on enforcement, would you be bitching if your spouse, child, brother or sister were shot or stabbed? I think not!

As for Mayor Scattini’s infantile remark slanted toward all law enforcement that he was “embarrassed” to be mayor, he should be damn proud of the time and efforts these agencies and personnel put in for the safety of everyone.

The only thing to be embarrassed about is the ignorant people who came knowingly for nothing.

To the responsible parties, thank you for giving the city back to the local people. For a change, we didn’t feel overrun, overwhelmed, hijacked and held hostage in our own town.

The NIMBY’S (not in my backyard) don’t enjoy this disruptive, disturbing weekend.

Noreen Martin,


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