Grand Jury In Session
Grand Jury In Session
The San Benito County Grand Jury is currently is session acting as “watchdog” over local government, and Special Districts.
The Grand Jury is a part of the Judicial Branch of government. It has no Legislative or Executive functions, and it is not a police agency. It is an examining and investigative body that makes recommendations to improve systems, procedures, and operations of the local government. The primary functions of the Grand Jury, and the most important reasons for its existence, are examining all aspects of county government (including Special Districts), seeing that the public’s monies are handled judiciously, and ensuring that all accounts are properly audited.
Although the Grand Jurors are a part of the Judicial system, and are considered to be officers of the court, the Grand Jury is an entirely independent body. The presiding judge of the Superior Court, the District Attorney, County Counsel, and the State Attorney General act as the Grand Jury’s advisors, but cannot control the actions of the jury.
The San Benito County Grand Jury will consider any complaints, or concerns that our community might have concerning any local governmental agency, city or county department, as well as Special Districts.
To contact the Grand Jury, or to receive a complaint form, please write to:
San Benito County Grand Jury
P.O. Box 1624
Hollister, CA 95024-1624
Or go online:
Thanks to Denham for Helping Secure Task Force Funding
I want to praise State Senator Jeff Denham for his work in getting the Central Coast Rural Crime Task Force established and funded. This task force specifically investigates and prosecutes organized crime rings, drug gangs and others who commit crimes against people and property in rural areas. These criminals often steal expensive Ag crops, farm equipment and ranch supplies to finance their meth habits and other elicit activities. The task force gives law enforcement the tools necessary to go after these criminals and help put a stop to rural crime. It’s nice to have someone like Senator Jeff Denham fighting for us in Sacramento.
Curtis J. Hill, Sheriff
County of San Benito