The following events, organizations and people deserve either a
Thumbs Up or a Thumbs Down this week:
THUMBS UP: The Hollister community rallied behind the annual Marley Holte Memorial Dinner to make it a success. The community, in fact, made the dinner possible. Little more than a week ago, there were not only not enough turkeys to fuel the dinner, but no turkeys at all, and not enough volunteers. But the community came through, providing everything and putting on a great meal and a warm atmosphere for many people who otherwise might not have enjoyed a holiday gathering. Hats off to everyone who made it happen. And while we’re at it, thanks to everyone who made the Lights On Parade downtown shine yet again. What a terrific event for everyone, and a great kickoff to the Christmas holiday season.
THUMBS DOWN: To the San Jose Mercury News. The Merc treated hundreds of thousands of readers to a vision of San Benito County that reads like something out of “Lord of the Flies.” Here we are, down in the sticks, politically backward and ignorant and smelling like compost. “Fury on the Range,” indeed. According to the series, only through the help and care of outsiders will we prevent ourselves from building out into, well, San Jose. And if the two-day series wasn’t skewed enough, we then were treated to a story in which District 4 Supervisor Reb Monaco was painted as a fulminating redneck heck-bent on “bulldozing” San Benito County. The story was essentially an attack ad. Forget the small matter of the resounding failure of the Pulte Homes/Del Webb Measure S in the election. Forget the fact that there will be no build-out of anything – for years – because of this thing called a “sewage moratorium.” Maybe we should see if the creators of “Survivor” would like to produce a series here. The contestants could live downtown and run for supervisor. What a savage spectacle that would be!
THUMBS UP: We’d like to wish a happy holiday season to all the local law enforcement and fire and emergency personnel who will be working through the next month. Because of your career choice, many of you will not be home on days most of us gather with our families. We hope it will be a peaceful and easygoing work season for you.
THUMBS UP: Speaking of the previously mentioned “sewage,” the Hollister City Council is to be commended for approving sewer-rate discounts for low-income seniors. The city will subsidize the 25 percent district through its general fund. Residents have been hit with a difficult situation regarding the massive increase in billing, but this is one move that could ease the pain for people who need it most.