In response to Robert Scattini’s March 3 comment:
I’m just surprised a guy who worked for me would run against me
after I gave him all the breaks,
referring to Joseph Alvarado seeking the San Benito County
Marshal’s seat.
In response to Robert Scattini’s March 3 comment: “I’m just surprised a guy who worked for me would run against me after I gave him all the breaks,” referring to Joseph Alvarado seeking the San Benito County Marshal’s seat. Well, Mr. Scattini, I know both of you (I am a former member of the grand jury, Citizen’s Police Academy and Volunteer in Policing for San Benito County) pretty well, and believe me, I was honestly hoping Joseph Alvarado would be the one elected for the San Benito County Marshal’s seat. Mr. Scattini, you have served way too long (and I don’t dispute your hours or work ethic), but I’m a firm believer that change is good. I am one of those who voted for Joseph Alvarado, and I would definitely vote for him again at the drop of a hat.
Mr. Scattini, I see nothing wrong with someone who learned all he did from you going for “your job.” Mr. Alvarado is young, energetic, trustworthy and respectful. Mr. Scattini, I know you from way back when my husband was alive, and he considered you a friend. Now, you disappoint me. Maybe you don’t remember me, but regardless, I expect you, of all people, to at least acknowledge someone who addresses you, not act like you don’t know them. And again, you may not even remember who my husband was, who, by the way, was Felipe G. Sanchez and worked in the grocery business. And it’s not because you may not remember us that I didn’t vote for you. It’s because Hollister needs change: younger and experienced county staff.
Mr. Alvarado, in six years you will have another chance to be county marshal – go for it – don’t give up – you will still have my vote.
Lastly, another person I was hoping to see elected was Jaime De La Cruz. Mr. De La Cruz, you also will continue to have my vote. And there is a major difference in the names Cruz and De La Cruz. For future elections, don’t let a number in front of a name persuade your judgment in how to vote.
Geri Sanchez,