Congressman Sam Farr speaks during Tuesday's town hall.

The small population of San Benito County is at a crossroads of two futures. Measure J gives the people a choice. One future has been offered to you by local citizens who collected thousands of signatures to put Measure J on the ballot. I know the supporters of Measure J and have discussed with them their vision for a brighter future for their county which builds on their rich agricultural heritage, natural beauty and cultural history. In contrast, the oil industry is spending millions to persuade residents to embrace another, darker future.
Our region has faced this choice before. San Benito County was once part of a greater Monterey County that included San Benito, Santa Cruz and Monterey. Our watersheds and aquifers are still connected and they almost all end up in the Monterey Bay. Years ago California decided to protect the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and stop offshore oil drilling. The Central Coast’s prosperity has, in good measure, been a result of that wise decision. Santa Cruz County recently unanimously decided to prohibit fracking and other oil drilling because they realized that it was incompatible with its environment and economy. Like San Benito, its top industries are agriculture and tourism. Like San Benito, it has spectacular landscapes that it wishes to remain unsullied. San Benito, too, should reject being the region’s environmental sacrifice zone.
In the Central Coast we sell scenery and it brings prosperity. The dedication of the Pinnacles National Park, the only national park in the whole region, has already increased tourism. The draw of historic San Juan Bautista, San Benito’s two other state parks, the county’s wineries and the local rich cultural heritage the county has a foundation that must be protected and then used to create long-term economic security for all of its citizens.
Fracking and the related drilling methods are a bad gamble for San Benito County. The voters should stop, look and listen. Look at what is going on across the country and in other parts of California where these methods are being used. Listen to the people in the areas who are living near these operations. Use the Measure J to stop these methods from being used in San Benito.
Petroleum is yesterday’s energy. The students who graduate from San Benito and Anzar High School when they are my age will be driving electric cars like the Tesla down to the still pristine Pinnacles National Park having charged their cars with solar panels on their roofs. As they marvel at the scenery, stop for a clean glass of water and breathe the fresh air, they will thank us all for having made the right choice at the crossroads on this November 4. I urge you to Vote Yes on Measure J.
Sam Farr is the 20th District representative in the U.S. Congress and represents San Benito County.

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