Local student members of the Hollister Future Farmers of America impressed judges with their livestock pedigree at the Monterey County Fair, held from Aug. 29 to Sept. 3.
Clay Hubbell, Joseph Bisceglia, Taryn Wright, Donavan Gabel and Hailee Westrick all earned championship honors in their respective categories for Hollister FFA.
Hubbel’s livestock were named Champion FFA Supreme Grand Champion Steer in the Cattle Show and Champion FFA Lamb and Supreme Grand Champion Lamb, and Hubbel was named Champion Advanced Showmanship in the Sheep Show.
Wright earned Weight Champion in Market Class and Reserve Champion Advanced Showmanship in the Cattle Show while also taking home Champion FFA Hog and Reserve Grand Champion Hog as well as Reserve Champion Advanced Showmanship for the Hog Show.
Bisceglia impressed as Champion FFA Meat Goat and Champion Advanced Showmanship, while Gabel received Reserve Champion Advanced Showmanship in the Goat Show.
Westrick was Weight Champion Market Class in the Sheep Show.
In all, Hollister FFA had four hog exhibitors, three beef exhibitors, three goat exhibitors and four sheep exhibitors. Each student exhibited their animals in both Market and Showmanship classes.
In addition, students who won their respective Advanced Showmanship classes were able to compete in a Round Robin Competition, where they showed four species of livestock. Other ribbon winners were: Daniel Pulido (Cattle Show/third Market Class, eighth Advanced Showmanship); Alex Ramirez (Goat Show/fifth Market Class, third Novice Showmanship); Hannah Bluhm (Sheep Show/third Market Class, fourth Advanced Showmanship); Prezella Banuelos (Sheep Show/fourth Novice Showmanship); Matteo Ventimiglia (Hog Show/fifth in Market Class); Sarah Lima (Hog Show/seventh Market Class, eighth Advanced Showmanship); and Gabby Baldwin (Hog Show/fourth Market Class).