The National Adult Baseball Association league in Hollister is
starting to take shape.
The National Adult Baseball Association league in Hollister is starting to take shape.
Matt Silbert, who has been playing baseball for 22 years, is holding an organizational meeting Thursday at 6 p.m. at Calaveras Elementary School for anyone interested in playing.
He is still hoping to have four to six teams in the league and plans to have games on Saturday and Sunday to avoid the cost of lights.
“I got pretty much everything done for it,” Silbert said. “It is just a matter of getting everyone together and going out and playing ball.”
He recently received approval to use the Babe Ruth field for games. There are players of all ages who have expressed interest in playing. Some players haven’t played for a couple years, and for some it has been a lot longer. But anyone is welcome to play. Managers are still needed.
Unlike with similar leagues in San Jose, Silbert hopes to avoid playing in double headers because of the time commitment involved.
The cost per player is $170 and is based on having 15 players per team. It includes a shirt and registration fees. The league is scheduled to begin on July 31 or Aug. 1.
Details: contact Matt Silbert at 638-1301 or at