Two of the figures at opposite ends of the debate over a proposed ban against fracking and limits on oil extraction are set to face off in a debate on a local community access show.
The local “Going Green” show broadcast on Community Media Access Partnership channels is scheduled to have Citadel Exploration CEO Armen Nahabedian and San Benito Rising organizer Andy Hsia-Coron on the show.
Hosts David Huboi and Shawn Novack are set to co-host the show being recorded May 1, Huboi said.
The interview with the two adversaries on the oil matter is being taped in the second segment of the show, after an interview with Hollister Councilman Victor Gomez, who is running for District 4 supervisor, Huboi said.
San Benito Rising is a group that recently turned in more than double the needed signatures on a petition to place the anti-fossil fuel measure on the November ballot. Its members are calling for an outright ban against hydraulic fracturing and severe restrictions for oil extraction in unincorporated San Benito County.
The episode of “Going Green” is set to show on Channels 17 and 20 in the coming weeks.
For the CMAP channel schedules, go to http://cmaptv.org/?page_id=20.