Cooler weather has prompted officials to lift half-year-long
fire restrictions on about 78,000 acres of public land in southern
San Benito County.
Hollister – Cooler weather has prompted officials to lift half-year-long fire restrictions on about 78,000 acres of public land in southern San Benito County.
The Bureau of Land Management lifted the restrictions Monday on its land within its Hollister Field Office jurisdiction, including Tumey, Griswold, Ciervo and Panoche Hills.
Fire danger was especially high this year due to drought conditions, BLM officials have said.
In a year with normal precipitation, restrictions are put in place in late May. BLM imposed the restrictions this year in April. Michael Chiodini, a fire mitigation specialist for BLM, cautioned that while recent precipitation and cool temperatures have lessened fire danger, some grass and brush is still dry.