59.6 F
July 26, 2024

Tag: rob bonta

Hate crimes down in CA since 2022, attorney general says

The number of reported hate crimes in California decreased slightly from 2022 to 2023, but those against Jewish, Muslim and LGBTQ+ people rose over...

City council tables decision on ‘thin blue line’ flag

The Hollister City Council delayed its decision on flying the “thin blue line flag” at City Hall on Aug. 2, citing the need for...

State data reveals rise in hate crimes in 2020

2020 wasn't just about one deadly virus for some. Across California, Asian Americans and other minority groups also faced an epidemic of hate, as...

Council seeks legal advice before flying Christian flag over City Hall

The Hollister City Council will wait until it hears from the state attorney general before it considers raising the Christian flag in front of...

