Sixty-nine percent of voters can’t all be wrong, so when Rebecca
McGovern starts to look for the ‘so very, very stupid’ voters,
maybe she should start by looking at herself in the mirror.
“Sixty-nine percent of voters can’t all be wrong, so when Rebecca McGovern starts to look for the ‘so very, very stupid’ voters, maybe she should start by looking at herself in the mirror.”
“District Attorney John Sarsfield missed his calling – evidently he should have been an employment attorney. He spent his first year and county time trying to recruit the Monterey County’s Public Defenders Office to bid and become San Benito County’s Public Defender, promising Monterey County citizens jobs. Now, he is on a campaign to fight age discrimination, usually something the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission tackles. If he had been working in private industry, he wouldn’t get away with ignoring the responsibilities of his own job while sticking his nose in everybody else’s. Why should he get away with it here? Isn’t it time we give him a pink slip?”
“In regards to the person who said that this county does not need somebody checking out the voting system: I think that person is wrong. I know of a person who was actually handed two voting ballots in her packet today. Their comment to her before getting her ballot was ‘ohh, I see you’re a Republican.’ She handed the extra ballot back, but I think that this town needs an overhaul. The punch card ballot is out of date, just like a lot of things are in this town. Why wasn’t the system double checked? That is what the workers need to do is to double check everything to make sure the voting is fair. Also it was really unprofessional to go into the polling place and having the workers sit there and talk really loud between themselves.”
“Let me see if I have this correct. We are going to spend 2.2 million dollars for a ‘homeless’ shelter for animals and zero dollars for a homeless shelter for humans! I hope I don’t have this correct!”
“I only have one thing left to say. Look how happy those developers are. They can come back from Los Banos now. They’re going to be laughing all the way to the bank, and the joke is on you. Happy development!”
“I’m afraid to say my name or I might get prosecuted by the Sarsfield-ran criminal grand jury, but since we did it to Gray Davis, why not the inept DA who has made his office the laughing stock of this community. Recall Sarsfield before it is too late!”