Hollister City Council members approved a budget appropriation Monday for a lighted crosswalk at the new courthouse intersection at Fourth and Monterey streets.
There were varying views among council members on the crosswalk project.
“It’s a great idea, but I don’t think it’s a good use of money,” Councilman Victor Gomez said at the meeting.
Gomez noted that the city should look into buying newer, more current “enhanced” crosswalk technology instead of the lighted crosswalk as appropriated.
“Lighted crosswalks are the old way of construction,” he said.
The cost of installation and equipment of the new lighted crosswalk is estimated at $60,000, according to a council agenda report. The cost of installation is estimated at more than $45,000 while the cost of the equipment is expected to be more than $14,000. It would add another feature to the new courthouse complex, expected to open for business around early January.
Gomez cited issues with the city’s use of lights from the same manufacturer, which he said recently went into bankruptcy.
“There have been problems with one of the manufacturers of these lighted crosswalks,” he said.
The council members talked about the possibility of holding off on installing the lighted crosswalk and obtaining funds to install a traffic light at the intersection. A traffic light would cost the city about $250,000, according to officials.
Mayor Ignacio Velazquez said such a plan was not a “priority” for the city at the moment.
But a few council members voiced concerns about postponing installation of the new crosswalk, especially as the construction of the new courthouse is wrapping up.
“We can’t wait until someone gets hurts,” Councilwoman Pauline Valdivia said. “We’re going to spend this money and realize we should have done this (installed the traffic lights.)”
Gomez suggested that the council could request a list of “signalized intersections” in the city from the staff and compare it to the intersection in discussion.
Judge Steven Sanders gave an update on the progress of the new courthouse. He said it should be done by November and the transition to the new facility by judges should occur by Jan. 1.
Other items passed by the council:
• An agreement to transfer the city’s LESSALT water treatment facility to the San Benito County Water District
• Approval of a ground lease for the construction of a new taxiway at the Hollister Municipal Airport
• A resolution to allow six additional residential allocations to be opened up east of San Benito Street and north of the future Westside Boulevard expansion.
• The council also announced the city had received almost $2 million in federal community development block grant funds that will go to organizations such as the Youth Alliance and the food bank.