Two of three open council races on the November ballot are
largely decided as their campaigns barely began, while the other
seat’s eventual victor will have to out fox a pair of
Two of three open council races on the November ballot are largely decided as their campaigns barely began, while the other seat’s eventual victor will have to out fox a pair of competitors.

Five candidates in total submitted election papers before Wednesday’s final deadline for the three races, in Districts 1, 4 and 5.

Mayor Doug Emerson and political newcomer Ray Friend, a 12-year planning commissioner, will run unopposed in Districts 4 and 1, respectively.

Both pegged economic development as their major focus heading into their presumed nominations.

“Hollister just has so much potential,” said Emerson, seeking his second council term. “We’ve got to market that and make it happen.”

Papa Murphy’s local franchise owner Victor Gomez, Planning Commissioner and architect David Huboi and sheriff’s office Lt. Roy Iler, meanwhile, are facing off in District 5.

The three newcomers vying to succeed Monica Johnson all talked about growth and economic development as they start their campaigns, but one of them takes a different view than the others.

Gomez, born and raised here, said he would prefer that Hollister have a “better balance” between housing and commercial development and he advocated for focusing on residential growth once the building moratorium lifts. He said there’s a “saturation of businesses” and that he knows many owners who struggle.

“I believe there are, maybe not too many businesses, but it would be the proper time to have a bit more residential (growth),” Gomez said.

Huboi, a planning commissioner for going on four years and a member of the recent general plan steering committee, said he supports more aggressive economic development and noted how he had met already with city and business leaders to hone his knowledge of Hollister government and broach ideas for job creation.

Huboi pointed to the airport as an example of an area that’s ripe for development and one with potential to strengthen the city’s manufacturing base.

Iler, in law enforcement for 20 years, said economic growth is his top priority, along with gang and drug issues.

“I think it’s a good time for Hollister to start developing some economic growth with businesses,” said Iler, who previously had worked for the county probation department for nearly 10 years before joining the sheriff’s office.

It’s his career experience in law enforcement – also including some time in Shasta County’s Probation Department before coming here – which prompted Iler to also push for improved gang suppression and drug enforcement in his campaign.

“You can have all the meetings in the world,” Iler said, referring to the city’s gang task force. “Until you put a plan into action, nothing’s going to stop it.”

Drawing interest through work is, in fact, a common thread among all three candidates in the only contested 2008 council race – Huboi as an architect and business owner, and Gomez as a business owner as well.

Huboi said the timing is right for him to run considering he’s been involved with two key planning guides – the general plan update and a new zoning ordinance – which will be put into action soon. He also noted how being self-employed would allow him flexibility to meet with community leaders.

“I’m running for city councilperson, not because of my personal agenda for David Huboi,” he said. “I’m running because it’s in the best interest of the community, which I dearly love, to fill that position.”

All five candidates stated several motives for pursuing office, such as Gomez’s emphasis on public safety in light of his sister, Elizabeth Gomez, being murdered in March 2007.

“That one hit me below the belt,” Gomez said. “It was a situation where, it was pretty isolated. I can’t say it was something that could’ve been changed.”

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