The House of Representatives approved a bill that would rename Pinnacles National Monument to a national park. The bill now heads to the Senate.

The Hollister City Council on Monday unanimously approved a $50,000 allocation to the San Benito County Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau for tourism efforts.
Council members made the decision after several chamber officials spoke about the need to promote the area.
Chris Mann, the current board chairman for the chamber, pointed to Pinnacles National Park and “the beauty of this valley” as drawing points for tourists.
“I think there’s a lot to be had here,” he said.
Chamber President Juli Vieira mentioned how the organization planned to promote San Benito County through radio spots outside the area and by trying to spur interest from outside media.
Councilman Victor Gomez recalled initially approving the tourism allocation in June, but added that the city explored multiple organizations as potential partners with the funding.
“We usually don’t have a problem spending money,” he said.

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