Improvements to the intersection of Fairview and Sunnyslope roads are related to a requirement that the Santana Ranch development must install frontage lanes that will eventually be part of a broader roadway expansion, a county official said.
For weeks, traffic has been detoured around the intersection as contractors do the work funded by Santana Ranch, which is building 1,100 single-family homes in multiple phases from south of Sunnyslope Road to Hillcrest Road along Fairview. That portion of the roadwork requiring a detour at Beverly Drive should be done by the end of the week or some point next week, said Arman Nazemi, assistant director of public works for the county.
As for new traffic signals going in at the intersection, Nazemi expects those to be finished by the end of September.
The roadwork is being done to accommodate a two-lane frontage road at the portion of Santana Ranch where developers are moving ahead on a phase of the project. Nazemi pointed out how there was already one additional lane at the intersection so Santana Ranch had to install one more there to create the two frontage lanes.
That doesn’t mean drivers will be using the added lanes anytime soon, as the county is requiring developers along Fairview Road to install such improvements—similar lanes are already put in near the Anderson Homes project nearby—as build-out takes place as planned along the thoroughfare on the eastern border of Hollister.
“It’s not going to be operational until the whole, entire Fairview from one end to the other gets four lanes,” Nazemi said.
Nazemi pointed out there are plans to eventually expand Fairview Road from Airline Highway to McCloskey Road, which is about eight or nine miles.
Build-out of Santana Ranch, for one, is just starting. The developer has filed two final maps resulting in 75 lots, Nazemi said.