Developer and former Supervisor Richard Scagliotti’s is proposing to build 206 single-family homes along Fairview Road next to the larger Award Homes development and surrounding the current Cielo Vista subdivision, according to records.
Hollister Enterprises, LLC in recent weeks submitted a project application to the San Benito County Planning & Building Department. The company owned by Scagliotti is proposing a project at 841 Fairview Road – set to wrap around the current Cielo Vista development – comprised of 206 single-family homes without any affordable units included in the blueprints, said interim Planning Director Byron Turner. The homes would range from 5,000 to 7,000 square feet.
The move from the former supervisor – who had been one of the staunchest critics in the early 2000s against the 700-unit West of Fairview project from Award Homes due to lacking infrastructure at the time – signals further interest in housing development to the eastern outskirts of Hollister. Other projects along that portion of Fairview Road include 1,200 homes from Santana Ranch and another 220 lots from Fairview Corners.
Hollister Enterprises purchased the 53-acre property in June for $2.26 million, according to assessor’s records. The planning department is looking into contracting with a firm to handle environmental work on the project, Turner said. These types of projects usually take about a year before groundbreaking, Turner said.
Turner projected that if approved, the Hollister Enterprises development would be annexed into the city.
“I think this property’s future is annexation to the city and city services will be servicing it,” Turner said.
That would be the same route as other nearby developments such as the one from Award Homes, which sparked debate with its proposal more than 10 years ago when Hollister had been growing at a rapid pace and San Benito had been the fastest-growing county in the state. As for the Award Homes project, it is preparing to start its first phase of 99 homes and could have its building permits approved within a couple of months, said Abraham Prado, associate planner for the city.
Scagliotti could not be reached immediately for comment. He served four terms on the board, ending in 2004. Toward the end of his political tenure, he led efforts against West of Fairview and in support of Measure G, the anti-growth initiative that failed on the March 2004 ballot.