
My name is Rosa Valdez, I’m American, Cherokee, Mestas and Mexican. I am very disappointed with my heritage. I do not like to hear my Mexican brothers and sisters chanting Mexico, Mexico and si se puede! I read that book also! Thank god I’m not a follower! If they only really knew who is organizing these marches. I blame our leaders from both parties who let this matter get way out of hand. I mean by not teaching them the English language and keeping them illiterate. The presidents from Mexico have a long history of suppressing their people. Also we need to look at the larger picture, our national security. The drug cartels which creates a nation of dopes, gang bangers and jail birds. From one Mexican to another, I say wake up and do it the right way. Educate yourself, learn the English language, be somebody and go for the American Dream,

Rosa Valdez Tres Pinos

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