Thank you for spring cleanup efforts
Dear Editor,
On behalf of the board of directors of the Hollister Downtown Association, I would like to thank Recology San Benito County for their continued support of our downtown clean-up efforts.
These efforts, however, would not be successful without our most cherished volunteers. Volunteer groups included Boy Scout Packs 408, 444 and 405 and Boy Scout Troop 400 as well as Girl Scout Troops 23403, 23407, 23410, 23414, 23415 and 23477, and the LDS and United Pentecostal Churches of Hollister. A special thank you goes to many other people for lending a hand.
Brenda Weatherly, HDA executive director
President Obama is no Kennedy
Dear Editor,
When President Obama took office, there were some favorable comparisons with President Kennedy, young, nice family, articulate. Like President Kennedy, he inherited a recession. He should have followed President Kennedy’s approach to stimulate the economy. President Kennedy cut taxes. Job growth increased, the recession ended, and federal tax revenue increased.Â
Unfortunately, President Obama is following President Roosevelt’s approach to combat a recession. Like Roosevelt, he has increased federal spending, is printing money, and plans to raise taxes.Â
It took World War II to end the recession Roosevelt inherited. Kennedy’s approach was a much better method to fix the economy.Â
Marvin Jones, Hollister