music in the park, psychedelic furs

A ‘yes’ vote on Sun City
My wife Madeleine and I were fortunate to be selected for the
tour of Del Webb’s Sun City Lincoln Hills. The community is very
impressive. The main factor that impressed us how Lincoln Hills and
the town of Lincoln have meshed together into one community that
has been beneficial to both.
The large number of Lincoln Hills seniors that are involved
volunteer work is amazing. People volunteer for work with the
school system, the fire department, and the police department. The
combined community (Lincoln Hills is in the town of Lincoln) has
done such an outstanding job that it received the honor of being
named an All American City. Del Webb is proposing a similar
community, Sun City Hollister, which would be, in my opinion, a
significant positive impact on Hollister.
In addition to the development fees, property tax dollars, local
spending and non-impact on the school system, Hollister would gain
a pool of active seniors who could and would contribute to
Hollister’s well being. This opportunity may not present itself
Passing it up now would be very shortsighted of Hollister.
Ralph Beaudoin
A ‘yes’ vote on Sun City

My wife Madeleine and I were fortunate to be selected for the tour of Del Webb’s Sun City Lincoln Hills. The community is very impressive. The main factor that impressed us how Lincoln Hills and the town of Lincoln have meshed together into one community that has been beneficial to both.

The large number of Lincoln Hills seniors that are involved volunteer work is amazing. People volunteer for work with the school system, the fire department, and the police department. The combined community (Lincoln Hills is in the town of Lincoln) has done such an outstanding job that it received the honor of being named an All American City. Del Webb is proposing a similar community, Sun City Hollister, which would be, in my opinion, a significant positive impact on Hollister.

In addition to the development fees, property tax dollars, local spending and non-impact on the school system, Hollister would gain a pool of active seniors who could and would contribute to Hollister’s well being. This opportunity may not present itself again.

Passing it up now would be very shortsighted of Hollister.

Ralph Beaudoin


Say no to taxes

Two more months and we voters have the opportunity to “screw up “once again.Are we still so stupid to believe that taxing the oil companies makes sense? Does it make sense to tax any big companies? I am asking that we all sit back a moment and think about these taxes that we will be voting on. Aren’t we sick of the phrase, “Pay Their Fair Share”, yet? The phrase doesn’t even make sense! It’s political rhetoric! Believe me, you will not be “getting back at” the oil companies. Oil companies as well as all big corporations do not pay taxes. They collect taxes! We have enough taxes! Think before you vote this time! We all may not be smart enough to buy oil company stock and share in the profits; but, we all share in their expenses. New taxes are only new expenses to the oil companies. Do we really believe that adding new taxes will lower the price of gas? Join me in voting, “NO,” to all new taxes.

Allen Coughlin


The history of Iraq war

Richard Clarke urged President Bush to move aggressively against Al-Qaida to protect the U.S. from terrorists in January of 2001. Bush replied that Iraq was the greatest threat to the United States. Clarke continued to press the Bush underlings for an aggressive anti-Al-Qaida program for seven months but was rebuffed and constantly reminded that Iraq represented the greatest danger. After the devastation of 9/11 the program advocated by Clarke was adopted and

Bush spawned the myth that the administration was tough on terror. He asked Clarke to investigate the link between Iraq and Al-Qaida. The terror-tough guy had an opportunity to do severe damage to Al-Qaida by finishing the job in Afghanistan. Instead he turned to his war of choice, Iraq.

Now patriots who question the insanity of sacrificing more American lives to Bush’s Iraq Quagmire are called “soft on terror Hitler appeasers” by the tough guy and his right hand men.

Frank Crosby

Morgan Hill

Shame on Farr, Griffin, Pinnacle

I’m trying to decide which is the more patently ridiculous: Kate Woods’ politically self-serving meanderings (gosh – that’s never happened before) or the outright mistake she made in the article that I (shouldn’t have) read in The Weekend Pinnacle of September 1.

To wit: the House is that institution that has given Woods and Farr gas by voting for border enforcement efforts, and it’s the Senate and Bush Administration that favors amnesty for illegals, not the other way around.

Was it Farr that described the proposed barrier between Mexico and the US as a “new Berlin-styled wall,” or was it only Woods attempt to inflame rather than inform? And the proposed barrier does not “stretch over the border of three states,” but rather would be erected only at the areas that have the highest number of illegal border crossings.

If Farr actually speaks Spanish he should know that the use of the word “Gringo” is a pejorative used to denigrate Caucasians. It’s fine with me if he has such little self-respect that he doesn’t mind being called a gringo, but I certainly don’t appreciate its usage.

The unholy trinity of illegal immigration is big business that cares only about a never-ending supply of cheap labor, the Catholic Church and others interested only in replenishing the rapidly dwindling numbers in their flocks, and labor organizations for the same reason. Polls consistently show the rest of the American people are overwhelmingly against illegal immigration.

As for Farr, doesn’t a U.S. Congressman take an oath to uphold the law? Maybe he had his fingers crossed behind his back; how else could he in good conscience assure the illegal workers at Mariquita Farms that they don’t have to worry about being caught?

And shame (fines and/or jail would be better) on Mr. Griffin for knowingly hiring illegals for the last 8-12 years.

Rick Jennings


Editor’s note: The article did err in mixing the House position on immigration reform and that of the Bush administration. The feature detailing Farr’s visit did not characterize the immigrant laborers at Mariquita Farms as undocumented aliens. We believe Mr. Jennings is in error in describing workers there as “illegals.”

Caballero asleep at the wheel

The Aug. 26 edition of the Wall Street Journal had an interesting article about Monterey County. It spoke in glowing terms of the coastal area and the fertile Salinas valley.

When it mentioned the city of Salinas, it included the adjective “squalor.” “Gang graffiti mars the facades of apartment complexes. A school’s walls are riddled with bullet holes.”

Who oversaw this dichotomy in priorities? Anna Caballero has been the Mayor of Salinas for the last eight years, while this class division intensified. Now she wants to represent the 28th Assembly District in Sacramento.

While Mayor, Caballero chose to shut the libraries while spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on the city’s golf course. We do not need that type of decision maker representing us.

Ignacio Velazquez is challenging Caballero for the 28th Assembly District seat. Velazquez is a successful businessman who has helped to revitalize downtown Hollister. He knows the value of good jobs and the hardships caused by high taxes and government regulations.

Ignacio Velazquez would be good for the 28th Assembly District.

Marvin L. Jones


Mayor putting us at risk

Our mayor continues to promote an event that has been cancelled. You cannot put the Hells Angels and the Mongols in one place, add massive amounts of alcohol and drugs and not expect to put our town and its people at risk!

I hope this next election will put to an end our mayor’s inability to make rational decisions. We are fortunate to have a majority of our City Council that has the good sense to have the best interests of our town when they cancelled the rally.

In answer to the lady’s question of why I was not at the last Council meeting, I refuse to attend a meeting and watch our mayor who has no clue as to how to chair a meeting.

John Lemos


Mayor needs to refocus efforts

I see the Mayor of Hollister is making time to meet every Tuesday to form a committee for the motorcycle rally in 2007. I wish the mayor would look at the big picture, like the General Plan of Hollister instead of a three-day motorcycle rally.

I urge the Mayor to meet with the RDA on Tuesday’s, too, and try for a larger financial commitment in regard to the sewer plant project. The three-day motorcycle rally may put us on the map but look at the big picture and all the people affected by proposed sewer-rate increases.

Bill Mifsud II


City Council fails us

Our City Council, unanimously, has reached a new low. It’s hard to imagine that the council could be so insensitive to the overwhelming majority of the people who elected them to office.

I am referring to the unanimous vote by our entire City Council to approve the new sewer plan and its fees. In spite of the pleas by many informed citizens asking the council to postpone its decision, the council has shown total disinterest for any ideas proposed by the people who are most affected by their actions.

I have been informed that this plan, formulated by outside consultants, is so far advanced that it is too late to turn back and look at the facts.

I am ashamed of our city and its planners.

William Millar


Negative campaigns pointless

I am not now nor have I ever been a fan of negative political campaign ads. I don’t care who the candidate is or what the proposition is all about if it is negative. Once the ad takes a negative tone I make very sure I turn off the TV, throw the mailer away or just simply ignore everything to do with that person or subject. To me it is pointless.

Right now there is an ad running, very early it seems, for our local November election. It is entirely negative from start to finish with no facts to back up the statements that the candidate is pushing. Nor does it proclaim the facts about the candidate himself. Where are the candidate’s own qualities mentioned, such as, honesty, integrity, vision for the future, truthfulness, ability to wear the mantle of leadership and if this applies will he openly and truthfully divest himself of past quasi political baggage? If this candidate has a chance I might be interested in what he has to say if his TV ad was on the positive side. What does it profit a man when all he talks about is something bad or perceived bad about his opponent? Do I expect a lot from a candidate? Yes I do, because he is hoping to represent me. I hope this candidate learns that negativity places his words in that nether world of slither and slime.

Helen Ross


Like’s DMB’s outreach

I am simply writing a letter to express my sincere appreciation for the process local developers, such as DMB associates, have taken to involve the community in building new family homes. Their approach for building a new community from the ground up with the input of local residents is classic leadership. That leadership is taken in the form of listening to what community members want and delivering those wishes.

I look forward to having a San Benito County that will continue to be healthy and vibrant with new and familiar families. And I certainly do appreciate all developers that take the time to listen and to build just that!

Mark Vivian


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