A refreshingly clean campaign

I would like to congratulate Jaime De La Cruz on running a clean, positive, and honest campaign for Supervisor of District 5. He has not made false accusations nor published negative information about his opponent. Jaime has worked hard for four years to improve his district (parks for example) as well as the entire county. He has earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from San Jose State University.

De La Cruz is certainly an honest candidate and shows integrity at the highest level. He is respected by his fellow board members as well as community leaders. District 5 would do the county a great service by reelecting Jaime De La Cruz to serve for four more years.

Reba M. Jones


Dems endorse in Districts 1, 5

Even though we Californians held our presidential primary in February, on June 3 we will go to the polls again. This election is also very important, and the San Benito County Democratic Party would like to urge the citizens of our county to take the time to vote.

Until this election, we have not made endorsements in local races since they are officially nonpartisan. But we are changing our policy, because even though the ballot does not indicate party affiliations and local offices do not operate within a party structure, it is still true that candidates (like voters) join political parties because of the values and priorities they hold.

We believe it is just as important to have local officials who share our values as it is to have statewide and national leaders who do. Certainly a commitment to quality public education, to clean water and air, and to decent wages for working people are all important issues for our county.

We are pleased to endorse Marian Cruz for County Supervisor in District 5. Marian is a longtime community activist, with a dedication to the people of her district and the county. She will represent her neighbors with openness, compassion, and competence. And frankly, she will bring a much-needed level of civility to the seat.

For District 1 Supervisor, we are endorsing both Grant Brians and Bonnie Flores-Voropaeff. Both are sincere candidates with a desire to serve. Either one would bring impressive knowledge to the position, and while their emphases are different, they have in common an interest in protecting a quality standard of life in the county.

Finally, there are two statewide propositions on the June 3 ballot. Proposition 99 is true eminent domain reform, drafted in response to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that allowed a town in Connecticut to seize private property for retail development, on the basis that the increased sales tax revenue would benefit the community at large. Prop. 99 would protect California homeowners from this type of seizure. Vote YES on 99.

Proposition 98 is smoke and mirrors. It also includes eminent domain reform, but it’s real purpose is the addition of language to end rent control in California, and to make it easier for landlords to evict their tenants so they can increase rents. If Prop. 99 passes with more votes than Prop. 98, then it will become law instead. It’s a slimy attempt to trick the voters, and harm those who cannot afford to buy a home. Please vote NO on 98.

Remember, decisions are made only by those who bother to vote. Please do your part to promote responsible government. Vote June 3.

Jeanie Wallace, chair

San Benito County Democratic Party

Campaign is a joke

I recently saw one of Marian Cruz’ flyers. It was almost comical. She has decided to go negative. Jaime De La Cruz is the hardest working supervisor. We have her attacking Jaime. It’s ridiculous. She has no record. She is too old for this position. She will not have the energy needed to do the job.

Also, she says she has not received any outside monies. Wrong! She has received at least a thousand dollars from an attorney on Measure G. Marin is a no-growth advocate. We need growth or we die. Please let’s not return to the good old boys’ no-growth tactics. Let not the weak try to influence you.

John Lemos


Timing of Cruz accusation suspect

Bob Cruz is a man of great integrity. He served the county faithfully on the Board of Supervisors for eight years. He stood for managed growth and believed that infrastructure should be in place before allowing new developments.

Supervisor Cruz stated at a LAFCO meeting in 2002 that the only way LAFCO could approve the annexation of land for the senior housing development to the city was if the city could provide the necessary services (water, sewer, fire, police, etc.). LAFCO had already denied Award Homes approval for their project because of the lack of infrastructure.

Why isn’t law enforcement looking into why the developer didn’t report the alleged bribe six years ago when it supposedly happened? It is obvious that the timing of this accusation is aimed at smearing his wife Marian’s campaign for supervisor of District 5. I hope the intelligent people of District 5 will see through this slanderous attempt and vote for Marian Cruz for District 5 Supervisor.

Edwina Young


Former trustees say ‘No’ to V

We as the former members of the San Juan School Board of Trustees, Lauralee Foote, George Dias and Bonnie Laverone, urge the communities of San Juan Bautista and Aromas to resolutely say NO to Measure V, the bond for $18.8 million.

The bond is misleading. The money to be spent for asbestos removal at San Juan School is unnecessary. We had all dangerous asbestos removed in 1988. The only asbestos remaining is in the adhesive of the tile floor of the kitchen. This is sealed under the flooring and is no danger unless the flooring is removed. It is not dangerous and does not need to be removed.

Part of the 6 percent of the bond money to be used at San Juan School is for a remodel of the seventh- and eighth-grade classrooms. Those classrooms were built to code under our direction and are the newest part of the school classrooms. We have fewer students today. We had approximately 600 students in the 1990s. Today we have 425 students. We also have fewer inter-district transfers. There is no need for the remodel of the classrooms.

The bulk of the bond money is to be used for removal and replacement of the portables at Aromas School. Aromas constructed a gym in the last 10 years. The portable classrooms were in similar condition 10 years ago. With two gyms in the district, the district should have upgraded the classrooms in Aromas first. We do not think that an $18.8 million bond is justified to correct a mistake. This is poor judgment and mismanagement of funds. Do we need a new school board and superintendent?

The limited enrollment could be due to test scores. The test scores are down. The Academic Performance Index scores are down 25 points at San Juan School. They are down at Anzar High School 18 points. They are down districtwide 11 points. Improvement at San Juan School needs to be addressed. Where are the inter-district transfers that were attracted to the San Juan School of the 1990s?

Budgets have not been well managed. Enrollment is down. Projections for the use of the money are not necessary. Please resolutely say NO to this tax increase and Bond Measure V.

Lauralee Foote

George Dias

Bonnie Laverone

San Juan Bautista

A new voice in San Benito

It is always exhilarating when the younger generation of a community steps up to the plate and takes advantage of the resources that are available to them. Recently a group of local young professionals and business leaders have done just that! Dissatisfied with the direction of our county and wanting to improve the community we live in for ourselves and future generations, we formed what is now known as the San Benito County Stewardship Council (SBCSC).

San Benito County is a rich and vibrant community that has been experiencing an extended period of declining economic vitality. Strong leadership is needed to address all of the ongoing problems that affect our county’s economic vitality, such as a lack of affordable housing, the lack of a diverse array of quality local jobs for county residents, a declining local economy and rising crime rates.

The San Benito County Stewardship Council provides political and financial support for local candidates who are most capable and willing to work cooperatively with other local, state, and federal leaders and staff, as well as community members to remedy the issues affecting San Benito County’s economic development.

Although the SBCSC is very new, the individuals involved have taken the bull by the horns and have already made crucial decisions that can possibly lead San Benito County in the right direction. Most recently the Board of Directors conducted in-depth interviews with the local supervisorial candidates. Interviewees were required to address issues such as the 1 percent Growth Cap, the 30 percent affordable housing requirement, the San Benito County General Plan update process, and strategies for balancing future residential and commercial growth with the preservation of prime agricultural lands. After careful consideration, the SBCSC decided to take their first big step and endorse Margie Barrios for San Benito County Supervisor representing District 1, Anthony Freitas for San Benito County Supervisor representing District 2, and Jaime De La Cruz for San Benito County Supervisor representing District 5.

You can also contact me by calling 970-2710.

April England


San Benito County Stewardship Council

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