Dog owners need to clean up their act
I love to walk around our neighborhood. How relaxing it is to go
out for a walk and smell the freshly deposited droppings on a
lovely spring morning.
For some time now there is about a half dozen dog owners who use
our greenbelt for their dogs to relieve themselves on a daily
basis. Unfortunately these owners do not pick up after their
animals. Okay, four times a year the city cleans and maintains our
greenbelt. 120 days and 6 dogs equals one land mine about every 7
feet, or about every 3 steps. You might get a fresh breath of air
about once every minute.
Come on dog owners, you have the responsibility to pick up after
your dogs. Our greenbelt is not a toilet for your pets. You are a
nuisance, and have a negative effect on home prices as well as the
people of our neighborhood.
Pet ownership is a responsibility. If you can’t take this
responsibility then it is time to take a look in the mirror and
decide if you have what it takes to be a responsible pet owner. If
you have the time to walk your dog, then you have the time to pick
up after it.
I think it is time for the city to send out an enforcement
person once in a while, if for nothing else than reminding dog
walkers about the laws and penalties for not picking up after your
Don Horton
Dog owners need to clean up their act
I love to walk around our neighborhood. How relaxing it is to go out for a walk and smell the freshly deposited droppings on a lovely spring morning.
For some time now there is about a half dozen dog owners who use our greenbelt for their dogs to relieve themselves on a daily basis. Unfortunately these owners do not pick up after their animals. Okay, four times a year the city cleans and maintains our greenbelt. 120 days and 6 dogs equals one land mine about every 7 feet, or about every 3 steps. You might get a fresh breath of air about once every minute.
Come on dog owners, you have the responsibility to pick up after your dogs. Our greenbelt is not a toilet for your pets. You are a nuisance, and have a negative effect on home prices as well as the people of our neighborhood.
Pet ownership is a responsibility. If you can’t take this responsibility then it is time to take a look in the mirror and decide if you have what it takes to be a responsible pet owner. If you have the time to walk your dog, then you have the time to pick up after it.
I think it is time for the city to send out an enforcement person once in a while, if for nothing else than reminding dog walkers about the laws and penalties for not picking up after your pets.
Don Horton
Business not always good
“What is good for business is good for America!” That is Daddy Warbucks famous line in the wonderful musical “Annie.”
Really, it depends on whether businesses hire Americans or out-source labor needs. It depends on whether or not businesses receive government contracts like Blackwater, Dynecorp, GE, GM, Halliburton, Lockheed-Martin, or Boeing or not.
It depends on whether or not businesses receive government subsidies like the oil, coal or nuclear businesses. It depends on whether businesses receive tax cuts or pay their fair share.
Daddy Warbucks believed in the free market. Why not allow the free market to function so that truly “What is good for Business is good for America?”
The present arrangement is good for business, but not good for America.
Mary Zanger