Another nice note
Congratulations Tracie and Anna Marie on your

Newspaper Executives of the Year

Another nice note

Congratulations Tracie and Anna Marie on your “Newspaper Executives of the Year” award.

This achievement did not come without a lot of hard work and perseverance. It also helps to have a dedicated staff with the same passion for exemplary journalism as both of you. Imagine, all of the accolades you have accomplished in a short three years.

Again Tracie and Anna Marie, congratulations to yourselves and your entire staff.

Noreen Martin


Republican disgusted with campaign

Your Nov. 14 editorial regarding the 12th District fiasco was right on. It’s interesting to note that neither candidate won in his home county where he is best known. Jeff Denham is not alone as a distributor of rotten political trash. The California Republican Party is right down in the swamp with him.

Much of the garbage that came in the mail was from the California Republican Party. Mr. Denham and the California Republican Party seem to have adopted the Hillary Clinton philosophy of politics – the end justifies the means, forget integrity, forget respect forget the truth, “Just win Baby.”

As a lifelong Republican and former Chairman of the San Benito County Republican Party, I am thoroughly disgusted with and offended by the campaign conducted by Mr. Denham and the California Republican Party. After 52 years as a registered Republican, I have changed my party registration to Independent (I’m sure as hell not going to join the Gray Davis Democrats). As you point out, the result of this type of campaign is that smart people will no longer be willing to run for public office. Unfortunately, our current city council is an example of this.

George Anderson


Story touched heart

I applaud The Pinnacle for running the story from the Arizona Republic

titled “Husband’s dying wife leaves road map to remarriage” by Jeff


What an excellent story of Cindy Little’s love for her husband and putting her family future ahead of her own. In today’s society married couples tend to focus on how can my spouse meet my needs. This story is an inspiration and a great example of Biblical selfless love.

Steve Ulett


A nice note

Congratulations to both Tracie Cone and Anna Marie dos Remedios for being named recipients of one of the most prestigious journalism honors. The Craemer Award no less! Great going to you both. You have done an excellent job with the paper. I hope San Benito Countyans will stand up and cheer for the impact you have had since taking over ownership of the The Pinnacle. Well done!

Helen Ross


A true fan

My brother, Leo Thompson of Gilroy, regularly sends me Kate Woods’ Report from the Badlands column, from which I get a lot of enjoyment. I do have to wonder about those contaminated waters and wonder why you don’t give Erin Brockovich a call to come up and help you correct the problem (you know, sue someone’s backside

and give the proceeds to the poor).

Now, if you two tough cookies can’t do the job, I come to California often and, being a tough old broad myself, I could pitch in with some good, salty advice! And if that doesn’t work we could all journey over to the 19th Hole and sip Margaritas or something for the rest of the day!

Seriously, keep up your humorous, environmental drive. We all enjoy! And remember–I am available to come to New Idria, but you will have to put me up in one of the newer trailers, me with my arthritis and all, I need to enjoy the finer things in life. Just give me a yell and I will come running!

Marge Nielsen

Council Bluffs, Iowa

Granada takes risks

If you are tired of the same old, worn-out movie formulas and would prefer drama to over-used special effects, then you should visit the Granada Theater.

Personally, I’m tired of blockbuster movies, which I feel are thick with pointless action and generally lack substance. I prefer leaving a theater (after seeing a movie) with some emotional feelings–joy, anger, sorrow, sadness, or a combination of emotions. Predictable nonsense is unappealing to me.

Now instead of having to travel to San Jose or Santa Cruz to see quality independent films we can see movies like “My Big Fat Greek Wedding,” “Frida,” “Real Women Have Curves” and others at the Granada. If we choose we can watch subtitled movies. I look forward to watching controversial films like “Bowling for Columbine” in Hollister.

I applaud the Granada for taking risks by presenting independent films, demonstrating faith that there are open-minded people in Hollister who want entertainment that extends beyond a few grunts, a bunch of explosions, pointless sexism and a multitude of racial and ethnic stereotypes. I hope the community

demonstrates support for quality films by going to see them at the Granada.

Joe Navarro


Something to be thankful for

Returning home about 9:30 this Sunday evening, my wife and I came upon a single-car accident that must have just occurred maybe 10 minutes earlier about three miles up San Juan Canyon Road. A young man and woman had apparently had a spin out. They were both hurt – the woman perhaps seriously. A car coming down the canyon stopped, and the driver said he lived nearby. He volunteered to return home and call 911. We stayed and tried to help the two injured people. Within a very few minutes a police car arrived. Then the sheriff. Then the San Juan Volunteer Fire Department truck with several men. Then the rescue vehicle. All within minutes.

With our headlights on the scene, my wife and I watched real, competent, and efficient professionals at work. It was impressive to see them do what needed to be done so well, and it was reassuring to know that they’d be there if it were myself, my wife, or anyone else in need. I don’t know what they’re paid, but they all ought to get a raise, especially the volunteers!

Mark D. Levine

San Juan Bautista

Point, counterpoint

In last week’s Pinnacle letter section, Ed Russell, a defender of

Hollister Mayor Tony LoBue, wanted to take me to the wood shed over “facts.” Well, Ed failed because truth is in the “facts.” He is living proof that LoBue supporters refuse to let “facts” get in the way of their preconceived opinion.

“Fact”: A number of County Board of Supervisors, former and current city council members said the city facing such monumental infrastructure problems that Tony LoBue could legally have voted against the Award Homes project for annexation.

“Fact”: Tony LoBue went against his own campaign platform of “slow growth until our infrastructure catches up” and voted “yes” to send the “677 home” West of Fairview Project to LAFCO.

“Fact”: Unlike Tony LoBue, city council members Valdivia and Conroy did not receive any political perks when they were the only two council members voting “no” to the Award Homes Fairview Project annexation.

“Fact”: Tony LoBue did not attend the RWQCB meeting that resulted in fine of over a million dollars and a “cease and desist” sewer hookup which has now stopped building.

“Fact”: Mayor LoBue has done all he can to ruin any chance of establishing a good working relationship with the County of San Benito by his constant negative commentary.

“Fact”: Measure U (slow growth) passed by voters almost 3 – 1 and shows the voters of Hollister do not have confidence in Tony LoBue and the city council.

“Fact”: Father Sal and Ed should face reality, be honest and comfort Tony in the “fact” he is not capable of intelligent decision-making as required of a city councilman.

“Fact”: LoBue supporters always throw up my losing the election for city council as a cover for Tony not being able to rationally function mentally as an elected official.

“Fact”: Many more “facts” about Tony LoBue being inept as councilman/mayor can be written, but the 250-word limit does not allow it.

Paul Grannis


Adobe plan needs thought

I was disappointed that both the family and The Pinnacle did not come up with a positive alternative to the State’s proposal for the Adobe, or the Plaza. While the concept of an interactive display is worthy of thought, the venue is what was wrong. Do not throw the baby out with the bath. Get a different tub!

Peter Breen

San Francisco

Room to grow?

I was pleasantly surprised to receive a phone call the other day from a former Gilroy resident, but initially confused by her line of questioning.

“What happen to the sign?”

“What sign?” I asked.

“The sign I put under the Gilroy City Limit sign just before I moved, you know, it read, ‘Maximum Occupancy Met, please turn your moving van around and go back to where you came from!'”

“Oh, that one, I think Caltrans picked it up during one of their all-nighters on Hecker Pass. This wouldn’t have anything to do with Gilroy and Morgan Hill trying to bully the Santa Clara County Water District into letting them develop closer to the waterways, would it?” I inquired.

“Yes, it does,” she conceded. “Do they really need that extra 100 feet to build more stucco atrocities next to the creeks? Never mind that they’ll be upsetting the natural balance of the creeks, and I guess the Parks Department can give up on any plans of nursing Sprig Lake back to health in hopes of getting the Steelhead to run up Uvas Creek, one sewer line bursts and it’s all over but the crying.”

“But think about it, if you were a self respecting Steelhead would you vacation in Gilroy? I guess we know why Gilroy isn’t called ‘Pleasant Valley’ anymore don’t we?” I sighed.

“It’s sad, I know the developers, and the city will get their way. They’ll build right to the edge of the waterways, people living in those homes will dump their used motor oil on the banks of the creeks, earthquakes will cause sewage pipes to break and being so close to the creeks yuppie waste will flow unbridled down the Uvas, to the Pajaro right to the Monterey Bay Sanctuary.”

“Did you need to say, ‘yuppie waste’?”

“Well, I got to hang up now, have a nice day in ‘Pleasant Valley’!”

Margaret Baker


Graffiti getting worse

After your stories about the graffiti situation I’ve noticed it has helped a little around town. This morning I went down San Juan Road to go to the equipment rental place. I was disgusted to see what happened over night on a one-mile stretch of this road. Every building and fence has been tagged. I can’t believe the junkyard fence either. This has been like this for months now and nothing has been done with it. Same with the place that make the wood trusses. The gas stations were tagged, the Hollister Market, West Side Liquor, All American Pizza, EVERYTHING! It’s all the time!

Where are the police in the middle of the night or early morning when this is happening? I know exactly where they are. Parked for hours three doors down from me at the public works building, where they gas up and wait until they get a call. They should be out patrolling this area. Also, why are all of the hardware stores or places that sell spray paint leaving them out in the open? I thought it was a state law, or is it only Santa Clara County law, that they must be locked up and over 18 to purchase? This need to be put in effect here as well. I think most of these hoods steal the cans from the local hardware stores. Maybe the store should keep tabs on who buy them as well. Anyhow, thanks for listening to my rant. I suggest you take a drive down San Juan Road and put it in the paper again.

A.J. Garcia


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