Tighter Border Controls Needed
I would like to start by saying that I’m not prejudiced. I’m happily married to a beautiful Hispanic woman for 25 years. We have two great sons that mean the entire world to us.
My family and I went on vacation to the Midwest. It was an educational experience to hear that most of the people that I met felt that California is a joke. California is supposed to be a part of the United States; not the providence of Mexico. English is this country’s native language. Now why is California allowing the Spanish language to become dominant in the state?
The problems illegal immigrants bring, along with increased terrorist infiltration, not only threaten the California economy, but the security of this nation as well.
Immigrants say they come here to do jobs that American people don’t want to do. That’s not entirely true. Agriculture jobs are a stepping stones for illegal immigrants. They are overtaking the construction industry and other sectors of the job market. They will tell you personally that labor on construction jobs is easier than in the agricultural industry. The jobs in other sectors pay better also. They are driving wages down and making it tougher for Americans to make a decent living. Cheap labor is a tool big businesses use to increase profit margins at our expense. Therefore, how can we as citizens have our voice be heard to benefit the people, when illegal immigrants are allowing big businesses to turn their backs on us by finding cheap labor to replace a person that takes a stand against corporate greed?
There are simple solutions to immigration problems. They are to develop a system to deport illegal immigrants that don’t qualify to become citizens. Also we must deport illegal immigrants that don’t abide by the law, and have a stricter policy on how immigrants enter into this country. The government needs to focus on taking care of Americans citizens that are already in this country and have devoted their lives to making this nation stronger. Big businesses should look at American interests and concerns instead of profit margins. We must all push forward toward protecting our American rights before tending toward illegal immigrants that are willing to sell themselves and mistreat the system for an indecent living.
Bruce Kiefert
Time to Get the Clock Fixed
Hollister may be a town that is slow to catch up to modern events, but the town clock is something that shows how slow we are. the clock on the Masonic Lodge building at Fourth and San Benito Streets seldom shows the correct time. One side of the clock shows one time and the other side shows another time.
Can’t the Masonic Lodge afford to get a clock that represents the correct time all the time? Perhaps the clock should be removed entirely than to continually show incorrect time.
Gordon Byers
Mosquito Abatement Program Worth One Local Woman’s $9.80
I am writing in response to a recent letter by Nevada Thomas regarding the proposed San Benito County Mosquito Abatement Program. The Board of Supervisors has not “found a way to get around” Proposition 13’s two-thirds vote requirement in order to institute a new tax. The truth is, the same people or organization that developed Proposition 13 were also instrumental in establishing the requirements for the simple majority in such elections as the mosquito abatement program currently before the voters.
I don’t think anyone will deny that mosquitoes are here or that they will be here long after we aren’t – controlling them is a continuing process because they will always be a constant problem. Mosquito transmitted diseases are a major concern. It is easy to suggest that everyone get rid of standing water or that everyone buy a fly swatter, but let’s be realistic. The West Nile Virus has been found in our area. The mosquito abatement program is necessary because we need to have a proactive approach to problems, not a reactive one. We need to be vigilant about protecting our health.
A simple majority of citizens in favor of protecting public health should be enough to warrant establishment of this program. I just hope that my $9.80 is enough to get the mosquito problem under control and keep it under control.
I don’t like paying taxes any more than anyone else, but in this instance I am voting “yes” on the Mosquito Abatement Program because I want to protect my children’s health and the health of others before a mosquito carrying West Nile Virus, or any other disease, infects someone.
Lupe Miller