With Burglaries On the Rise, Even Home Isn’t a Safe Place
With Burglaries On the Rise, Even Home Isn’t a Safe Place


Regarding the article “Burglaries Up in Hollister” (March 2): It’s scary to read how burglaries are up in Hollister, but not surprising.

We too have been a target the past couple of months.

We have experienced people trying to open our front door, bang on the door at different hours, hop the fence and one recent afternoon even heard a bang on the door and whoever it was they were overheard saying, “Yeah, I see a computer on inside.”

My family does not feel safe even in our own home. Unfortunately we rent so there is only so much we can do.

The police do a good job, and we know because when we call them they respond quickly.

The city needs to realize that we need more officers.

People work hard for their belongings and to have them taken from you is a violation I hope I never experience!

The people that commit these crimes and have no remorse – well whatever happens to them if they break into a house and the people are home these crooks deserve.

Better hope these crooks don’t get beaten to a pulp because that is how we would have taken care of it when I was growing up.

Doug Wallace


Equality Under the Law Means Equality of Opportunity for All


American’s paradigm since our inception has been equality of opportunity for everyone under the rule of law.

For 231 years we’ve depended upon the principle, and worked to enlarge it to all citizens regardless of property ownership, creed, nationality, color or sex. Jefferson in committee with Adams and Franklin declared our paradigm to the world. John Jay, who was our first chief justice, said in the Federalist Papers that America would be a nation where everyone enjoyed the same national rights and privileges. Nobility, unlike the mother county, was out; there would be only one class of citizen.

Before taking office, Lincoln said, while standing in Independence Hall in Philadelphia en route to Washington: The Declaration provided “hope to the world for all future time. It was that which gave promise that in due time the weights should be lifted from the shoulders of all men, and that all should have an equal chance.”

So today there should be no class of citizens who are free to scoff at our law, while the rest of us obey it, some being sworn to uphold and defend it against all perils. The American paradigm that we inherited is succinctly stated: “No man is above the law: and none beneath it.”

If we allow people to choose which laws they will obey, we invite anarchy and chaos and, ultimately, destruction. It is the rule of law that is the ballast keeping the good ship U.S.S. America on course to a safe future for our grandchildren.

Joseph P. Thompson

Tres Pinos

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