The San Benito County Free Library has increased access to technology for community members with a donation of eight iPad 2s. The equipment donated by Edward Dodd and his wife is valued at more than $3,400.
Supervisor Margie Barrios on Tuesday expressed gratitude to the Dodds.
“I so appreciate this contribution,” she said. “I wanted to publicly thank this family and ask the chair if we can write a letter of thanks.”
Supervisor Anthony Botelho agreed to sending a letter of appreciation to the family.
“It’s amazing what happens when folks communicate,” said Nora Conte, the county librarian. “This occurred through a simple exchange about access to information.”
She said when the Dodds heard that many people in the community do not have access to the Internet, they wanted to make a difference.
“It was very close to the Christmas holiday when I got a knock on the door,” she said. “They said they had a gift so more people can travel on the information highway.”
Conte said she is working to get training for staff and members of public on how to use the new equipment.
Supervisor Jaime De La Cruz said he wanted to ensure the library would not be requesting additional funding to make use of the free gift.
“These eight iPads were given to the community without reservation or resolve,” he said. “This is not something you are going to come in and ask for additional funding to maintain it?”
Conte said she would not be requesting additional funds for training or maintenance.