The San Juan Bautista City Council on Tuesday is set to consider an update to the development impact fees and other matters.

Council members are set to meet at 6 p.m. at San Juan Bautista City Hall, 311 Second St.

On the agenda, council members are scheduled to weigh new impact fees. They also will discuss an update to the parking fine schedule, water and sewer rates, enforcement of commercial vehicles over three tons, restrictions on franchise businesses, the recycled water program, and other items.

The following are items on the agenda:

1. Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

2. Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda

The public may address the City Council on items not on the agenda during the “Public Comment” portion of the meeting. Persons wishing to address the City Council will be limited to three (3) minutes. Because the item is not on the agenda, the City Council can take no action on the matter in this meeting. The City Council will hear all public comments and then, if they so desire, they will make comments, ask for clarifications from staff, or request the item be placed on a future agenda for further discussion and/or action.

3. Presentations, Informational Items and Reports

A. Highway 156 Presentation – Dan DeVries

B. Monthly Financial Statements – Treasurer’s Report

C. Library Report

D. Fire Chief’s Report

E. Sheriff’s Report: Monthly Activity

F. Public Works Report – City Manager Grimsley

G. Code Enforcement Report – City Manager Grimsley

H. City Planner Activity Report – City Manager Grimsley

I. City Manager Report

J. Public Meetings and Committee Reports

4. Consent Items

All matters listed under the Consent Agenda may be enacted by one motion authorizing actions indicated for those items so designated. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a member of the City Council, a staff member, or a citizen.

Approve Affidavit of Posting Agenda

Waive Reading of Ordinances and Resolutions on Tonight’s Agenda Beyond Title

Approve Resolution for Street Closure

Adopt Ordinance 2013-XX Amending Sewer Classification for Small Shops With

Limited Sewer Facilities

Approve Minutes for December 18, 2012 Meeting

5. Action Items

A. Consider Property Abatement: 301 Seventh Street

B. Parking Citations/Fines Update

C. Consider Proposed Modifications to Development Impact Fees; Direct Staff to

Prepare Required Documents

D. Water/Sewer Rate CIP (Cost of Living) Increase

6. Discussion Items

A. Enforcement of Commercial Vehicles Over Three Ton Weight Limit

B. Strategic Planning Update

C. Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for SEP (Supplemental Environmental Project) on City Recycled Water Distribution – City Manager Grimsley

D. Ordinance 2007-04, Restrictions on Franchise Businesses – City Manager Grimsley

7. Set Future Agenda Items


A. City Council

City Manager

City Attorney

9. Adjourn

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A staff member wrote, edited or posted this article, which may include information provided by one or more third parties.


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