– The County Board of Supervisors has put the final kibosh on
Josh Watt’s plans to build a motorcycle park on Betabel Road off
Highway 101. The supervisors heard Watt’s appeal at their meeting
on Tuesday; Watt argued that he was treated unfairly by the
planning commission, but supervisors said Wat
t just chose the wrong location.
Hollister – The County Board of Supervisors has put the final kibosh on Josh Watt’s plans to build a motorcycle park on Betabel Road off Highway 101. The supervisors heard Watt’s appeal at their meeting on Tuesday; Watt argued that he was treated unfairly by the planning commission, but supervisors said Watt just chose the wrong location.

Supervisor Anthony Botelho noted that the proposed park lies within his district, and said its location just south of the Betabel RV Park makes it a bad idea.

“I don’t think those are compatible uses,” Botelho said.

Watt first approached the county’s planning department about building a motorcycle park in 2005. Watt said the property on Betabel Road was suggested by the planning department, and that he’s paid for and completed all the required studies, including a noise assessment report, a traffic impact report, an air quality analysis report, drainage studies, a soils study and proof of portable toilets. Watt added that all of these studies showed that park’s environmental impacts could be mitigated.

However, when Watt’s application went before the planning commission, he was asked to complete a full Environmental Impact Report. Watt declined to pay for an EIR, instead asking for a “mitigated negative declaration” from the commission, but his application was denied.

In his appeal to the Board of Supervisors, Watt said he deserves further consideration of his proposal or the planning commission’s support and financing of studies on another property. He described the planning process as “flawed” because he’d spent thousands of dollars on studies – and was asked to spend even more money on a full EIR – when members of the planning commission had no intention of approving his project.

In a written response, County Planning Director Art Henriques stated, “Staff was very clear from the beginning that the Planning Commission (and ultimately the Board if appealed) would have the final say on the project, which would take place at a public hearing.”

When they unanimously denied Watt’s appeal, a number of supervisors said they support the idea of a motorcycle park, but not next to the RV park. Board Chair Pat Loe added that it would be unfair to ask Watt to pay for an EIR on what she said is obviously the wrong location.

“The applicant would spend a lot of money on a report that wouldn’t change the facts of the situation,” Loe said.

After the meeting, Watt expressed disappointment with the supervisors’ decision.

“I’m amazed that they consistently brought up questions that we already had the answers for,” he said. “That’s why we paid thousands of dollars for studies.”

Watt said he wants to build a Watt’s Ranch Motocross Park because he’s been riding motorcycles since he was 4 years old. Now 27, Watt said he’s been troubled by increasing restrictions on where motorcyclists can ride.

“There’s no place where you can have fun on a nice piece of property,” he said.

Anthony Ha covers local government for the Free Lance. Reach him at (831) 637-5566 ext. 330 or [email protected].

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