Supervisors this week unanimously approved a resolution urging
state officials to designate the new Highway 152 as the
major route to address regional transportation traffic
and to have the project done in less than 10 years.
Supervisors this week unanimously approved a resolution urging state officials to designate the new Highway 152 as the “major route to address regional transportation traffic” and to have the project done in less than 10 years.
“If anyone asks where San Benito County stands, this is what our position is,” said Supervisor Reb Monaco.
The position of the county is that Highway 152 is the best connector of the coastal regions of Northern California and the San Joaquin Valley and that improvements to the highway should be one of the “highest transportation projects,” according to the resolution.
The board also supports an “alignment that begins at a point near the San Felipe Road/Highway 152 intersection and continues in Santa Clara County to a point near the Pajaro River or Bloomfield Road on Highway 25 where it enters San Benito County.”
State officials are considering several route alternatives for the realigned Highway 152.
Monaco hopes the board’s statement about a 10-year timeline helps to get the project moving.
“Let’s push it ahead,” he said. “Let’s move on it.”