In the spirit of thumbs up and thumbs down, I rate the Feb. 9
Free Lance editorial,
De La Cruz should drop $5 million suit against SBC,
a split decision, half thumbs up and half thumbs down.
Dear Editor,
In the spirit of thumbs up and thumbs down, I rate the Feb. 9 Free Lance editorial, “De La Cruz should drop $5 million suit against SBC,” a split decision, half thumbs up and half thumbs down.
Thumbs up for the editorial asking convicted misdemeanor criminal De La Cruz to drop his phony $5 million lawsuit against the county.
Thumbs down for the editorial asking elected officials to apologize to criminal De La Cruz. Unlike De La Cruz, these elected officials ran clean elections and rightfully won their respective office.
It doesn’t’ t take a brain surgeon to figure if De La Cruz had not been involved in an election scam this would not be an issue. It was De La Cruz that committed the crime, not the elected officials.
However, I could see a potential Thumbs Up for De La Cruz if he was an ethical and moral person in doing the right thing for the county taxpayers by apologizing for his misdeeds, dropping his $5 million lawsuit and promptly resigns his board seat.
Paul Grannis, Hollister