The following events, organizations and people deserve either a
Thumbs Up or a Thumbs Down this week:
THUMBS UP: Congratulations San Benito County high school graduates. During a week of speech-making and advice-giving, we have a few words of our own to share.
Let this week’s graduation ceremonies signal another milestone in a lifetime of learning. High school graduation shouldn’t be the final chapter. There is so much that isn’t taught in high school it would be a shame if everyone stopped learning after moving the tassel from right to left.
Trade schools, the military, college and jobs can provide experiences and lessons far beyond what many high school graduates can fathom. And we urge the graduating class of 2007 to take full advantage of these tremendous offerings.
We further encourage graduates to be open to life and all the opportunities it has to offer. There is a vast world outside of San Benito County. Experience that world and learn all you can. But don’t forget that there is no place like home.
Graduates: Don’t forget your roots. This is your community, and you can make a big difference here. We also encourage graduates to pass on what they have learned to the next generation.
All of the parents, volunteers and educators throughout the county who helped make graduation possible this year also deserve a hearty thumbs up this week.
THUMBS DOWN: To controversy over the regional plan partnering the San Benito County Water District with two neighboring districts. The plan has come under fire from another water agency.
The San Benito, Santa Clara and Pajaro Valley water agencies all have approved the Pajaro River Watershed Integrated Regional Water Management Plan. However, representatives from the Pajaro-Sunny Mesa Community Services District have written to the agencies declaring the regional plan a “fatally flawed” document.
The big problem, said Pajaro-Sunny Mesa’s attorney, Marc Del Piero, is the lack of an environmental impact report detailing the regional plan’s effects. We hope this can be resolved to the benefit of all the communities involved. Water is a precious resource, and we must work together to get the best services possible.
THUMBS UP: To the Hollister Free Wheelers power soccer team. The entire Free Wheelers team left for Indianapolis this week to try to win its sixth consecutive national championship. This team has worked hard to become something in which our entire community can take pride.
The team and two of its star players, Omar and Jairo Solorio, who were recently named to the U.S. team for the first-ever Power Soccer World Cup in Japan, are hoping for some financial support from the community this year. The team needs money to pay for expensive airfare, and Omar and Jairo Solorio need money to travel to Japan for the Power Soccer World Cup.
If ever there was a worthy cause, this is it. We hope the community can come together and make sure our top notch wheelchair soccer team continues to succeed. Go Free Wheelers!