For the first time since this whole Measure G thing got started,
the proponents of G have finally asked a question that makes

who can we trust?

It probably wasn’t the smartest question they could have asked
since it exposes the lies they have spread, but as I’ve said in the
past, these people have only one thing on their mind
– MONEY – and when people lose sight of what’s right, they get
For the first time since this whole Measure G thing got started, the proponents of G have finally asked a question that makes sense – “who can we trust?” It probably wasn’t the smartest question they could have asked since it exposes the lies they have spread, but as I’ve said in the past, these people have only one thing on their mind – MONEY – and when people lose sight of what’s right, they get stupid.

So the question becomes – should you trust the few proponents of Measure G or the farmers? If these were the only two groups involved with Measure G, the answer would be simple: the farmers. But life is never that easy. There is always more to a question than what is presented on the surface. So since the farmers are busy breaking their backs trying to make a living, I’ll introduce the players and some of the behind-the-scenes information, then you can decide whom you trust with your future.

On the proponents’ side: Out-of-town environmentalists, the supervisors, The Pinnacle newspaper and a few wealthy landowners. On the farmer’s side: the farmers and all those who believe in property rights.

Let’s start with the proponents and the group that’s putting all the money into the Yes for Measure G campaign – the out-of-town environmentalists. It’s true, other than about seven or eight locals, all the money for Measure G has come from outside the county. The same out-of-town groups that paid surfers from Santa Cruz to have petitions signed and register people to vote, which by the way many of those forms were filled out illegally. Many of these same environmental groups are doing the same thing around the state with the ultimate goal of having the government control all private property.

The next group, the county Supervisors, are probably more corrupt than all the others combined. Before any of us knew about Measure G, many of the current Board of Supervisors were secretly working to draft the proposal without any input from the public and in clear violation of the Brown Act. As the public found out about Measure G, the Supervisors quickly moved to take away your right to vote on it. As Measure G was reviewed, it turned out that the only land exempt from Measure G and ready for development is owned by one of the current supervisors! Our supervisors have also had their highly paid out-of-town attorney remove our local judge so they wouldn’t have to answer questions about corruption in the county before the elections. I could write much more about the current Supervisors, but it would take page after page to tell you about all of their schemes.

How do the supervisors get away with all of their shenanigans? They take cover under Tracie Cone, owner of The Pinnacle newspaper. Allegedly, at least one of the Supervisors has a financial interest in The Pinnacle newspaper, which would explain why little is written about the financial situation the county is currently in. Did Tracie Cone and The Pinnacle report on the thousands upon thousands of dollars that disappeared from rents that were supposed to be received from the county? No, instead Tracie Cone ran a story about how the City of Hollister is in financial trouble.

If the county were to run the same five-year financial projection as the City of Hollister, they would find themselves in a bigger financial hole than Hollister. Tracie Cone knows if the current Board of Supervisors isn’t re-elected, the truth she’s been hiding will finally get out and expose her as well as others that have helped cover up the Board of Supervisors’ activities.

Currently, Tracie Cone is doing everything she can to discredit the candidate for District 5, Jaime De La Cruz, just as I said she would. Why? Because Jaime De La Cruz is a professional accountant and can see right through what the supervisors are doing. Jaime keeps exposing the truth about the financial status of the county and how the Supervisors gave themselves a 70-percent pay raise, while at the same time implementing a county-wide hiring freeze.

What is Tracie’s role in Measure G? Tracie’s role is to scare the public into thinking that out-of-town developers are financing the No on G campaign and candidates for supervisor. The truth is that the biggest developer of all is our current supervisor and he is licking his chops waiting for Measure G to pass so he will have the only land to build on.

The last group of proponents for Measure G is those that falsely believe their property values will rise if Measure G passes. One of the supporters has already subdivided his property, while another said he has 165 acres of land and the value will rise if Measure G passes because of supply and demand. To promote their cause, they took a beautiful picture of pristine county land, which they placed on their expensive mailer (paid for by out-of-town environmentalists) and said this land would be developed into homes if Measure G doesn’t pass. The true story is that the land is owned by a local rancher who would rather die than have tract houses built on his land.

Another mailer shows pictures of traffic and again claims things will only get worse if Measure G passes. The true story is the traffic problem will never go away because all of our residents have to commute out of town for work because the supervisors have done nothing to bring jobs to our residents.

One proponent was proud to say that by voting for our current supervisor, and presumably Measure G, we can be sure jobs will finally stop coming here! The best mailer of all by the proponents of Measure G is their newest one that has a photo of a billboard that says, “development potential” and then another photo that shows the same billboard painted over. The mailer claims this is the proof that more development is coming, and they are absolutely right! The only problem is that this is the area that is exempt from Measure G and is the same land our current supervisor is about to get his hands on to so he can build homes. The same supervisor that helped draft Measure G! How ironic can things get?

I would give you information on the farmers, but they were too busy to talk much. All they have to say is they just want to be able to split their land so their children can live near them.

Now that you know where everyone is coming from, “who do you trust?”

Ignacio Velazquez,


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