I regret having to object to your editorial in favor of
156 because on most San Benito County land-use issues, I have
been in agreement with Free Lance positions. But I must.
I regret having to object to your editorial in favor of “widening” 156 because on most San Benito County land-use issues, I have been in agreement with Free Lance positions. But I must. Widening is one thing. Eight lanes is quite another. And neither is necessary because almost all knowledgeable people with whom I have discussed the issue believe that all things being equal, the Farm Bureau “3 in 1 plan makes the most sense: economic, traffic and land-use.”
Your editorial fails to inform readers of the variety of option and simply argues that traffic safety trumps all concerns. No one disputes making all roads safe. But there are plenty of reasons to assemble our scarce resources to pursue the 3 in 1 plan, while fixing the safety problem of 156 in the meantime.
Richard B. Morris,
San Juan Bautista