Special to The Pinnacle

Special to The Pinnacle

Everyone knows that 4-Hers have green hats and raise animals. If you know a bit more than the average person, you also know that they work to develop skills such as leadership, responsibility, and public speaking. Yet most people don’t know about the 4-H International Exchange Program. As one of the people from San Benito County who has participated in this program, I can vouch for its value.

The program offers 4-Hers the opportunity to live abroad in a specific country for a short amount of time. It also brings students from foreign countries to stay with host families here in the U.S. Currently, our state does exchanges solely with Australia and Japan. In fact, local student Justin Gregory is going to Australia this summer, and dozens of 4-H families statewide will be hosting Japanese exchange students from July 22 to August 18, including two in San Benito County.

Through the program, both the student and host family learn about each other’s culture and language. I have been an exchange student to Japan and a host sister to a Japanese student, and both experiences, although different, are entirely worthwhile. For example, while the exchange students from Japan come here to practice their English, 4-Hers travelling to Japan need not worry about being fluent at all: the host families want to sharpen their English skills. The goal of the Australian exchange is much different. It focuses primarily on agriculture and farming, although learning about cultural differences is also important.

Until recently, even among 4-Hers the opportunities available through the 4-H International Exchange Program were relatively unknown in the county. Hopefully, when more 4-Hers in the county become aware of the program and its value, more of them will become involved with the program. And one day, perhaps it will be common knowledge that 4-Hers from San Benito County host exchange students and travel abroad.

Nathalie Ferare is a junior at San Benito High School and is a candidate for the 4-H All-Star award this year.

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