Hollister residents Craig and Mandee Thomas are re-opneing the Hollister Music Store, which closed a few months back.

Craig Thomas has taught music lessons for many years and always
had a goal in mind of owning his own store.
In the past couple of weeks he has reached that goal, with the
help of wife, Mandee, by reopening the Hollister Music store at 125
Fourth St.
Hollister residents Tony LoBue and his sister, Marie Peterson,
recently bought the property, and they wanted to find someone to
open a music store there, knowing there is a need in the community.
They found an interested tenant in Thomas, who has been offering
music lessons at the location and expects to eventually start
selling equipment there, too.
Craig Thomas has taught music lessons for many years and always had a goal in mind of owning his own store.

In the past couple of weeks he has reached that goal, with the help of wife, Mandee, by reopening the Hollister Music store at 125 Fourth St.

Hollister residents Tony LoBue and his sister, Marie Peterson, recently bought the property, and they wanted to find someone to open a music store there, knowing there is a need in the community. They found an interested tenant in Thomas, who has been offering music lessons at the location and expects to eventually start selling equipment there, too.

The longtime music spot has been closed for more than a year after briefly operating under different ownership as The Music Tree.

Thomas has taught lessons since he was in high school and recently worked from a smaller building on Sixth Street. But when he saw the availability of the Fourth Street location he decided to pursue it and renew the local touch in the name.

It was a good fit considering Thomas worked at Hollister Music several years back.

“I got to really know the ins and outs of the place,” he said.

While he plans to sell equipment, Thomas said the “thrust” of the business is the lessons. He also noted how the business offers rental space for other teachers.

As for his own style as a teacher, he said he specializes in “getting people to play in as least time as possible.”

“Give me a couple of months with you – that’s what I tell people,” he said.

The store offers what he called “high-quality” instruction, and he mentioned how he is good at adapting to “whoever I’m working with.”

Thomas said they are in the process of developing a website, and he noted how the price for weekly, 30-minute sessions is $25.

The business is open Monday through Saturday. Lessons can be scheduled as early as 8 a.m. and as late as 8:30 p.m., while Thomas said he is willing to work with others’ schedules. On Saturdays, he stays until mid-afternoon, he said.

For information, call the store at 831-313-0051.

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