It’s a very simple and effective tip to getting in the correct
position at the top of your backswing
You are probably asking yourself, ‘What in the heck does that mean?’
It’s a very simple and effective tip to getting in the correct position at the top of your backswing.
Hinge your hands at the top of your swing until you get some wrinkles created about two inches above your watch line. With this position, your thumb should be under the club at the top of your backswing. This creates a 90-degree angle with your arm and the shaft of the club, which stores power.
Hold that angle as long as you can on the downswing by pulling the butt of the club down toward the ball. Then, gradually let the centrifugal force straighten the angle out. This releases the power to hit the ball.
With practice, your timing will improve and you will hit the ball longer in no time.
Don DeLorenzo is a PGA-certified instructor at Gilroy Golf Course. To schedule a lesson with Don, call Gilroy GC at (408) 848-0490.