The city has completed its weed abatement program for the year
while placing liens on 12 properties whose owners did not clean
their messes by the deadline. Hollister hired a contractor to cut
down weeds at the remaining properties whose owners did not respond
adequately to notices sent out in March to 361 addresses.
The city has completed its weed abatement program for the year while placing liens on 12 properties whose owners did not clean their messes by the deadline.
Hollister hired a contractor to cut down weeds at the remaining properties whose owners did not respond adequately to notices sent out in March to 361 addresses. The total cost for the neglected properties’ work came to $9,895 – $7,500 for the work and $2,400 for administrative costs, according to a city report.
The vast majority of the properties deemed a nuisance in the annual survey conducted in January responded rapidly and took care of their weeds. The city hired a contractor to dispose of the weeds still remaining after the April 24 deadline.
Revenue from the liens makes up the difference. With an approval by the council Monday, the city will file a report with the county auditor’s office for collection.
Costs for the contracted work ranged from just more than $2,000 for a property on Laureles Grade to just more than $200 for a property on Thomas Road, according to the report.