While the homeless task force continues seeking a permanent building for shelter services, Councilman Doug Emerson confirmed that city and county officials had toured the former convalescent hospital on Southside Road as a possibility.
County and city officials examined the building that has been largely vacant for several years, said Emerson, who noted how the consideration is “very preliminary.”
Aside from the Southside Road building’s potential, Emerson said the task force’s biggest goal in its five-year plan set out in August is to own a permanent facility.
The group runs the current homeless shelter at the county’s migrant camp during winter months – while it is booked up other times of the year. The task force leases the space for $125 a night, Emerson noted.
“We would like something where we could expand the number of days, expand services provided,” he said.
Look for an expanded version of this story in Tuesdy’s Free Lance.