Pleasanton energy consultant runs for Congressional District 11
Democrat Jerry McNerney is hoping to bring with him a wind of
change as he runs for to represent the 11th Congressional District,
which includes parts of Morgan Hill. The candidate is one of
several running for the House of Representatives, including
Republican incumbent Richard Pombo.
McNerney comes to the race with no political background, but
took up the challenge of running when his son, Michael, an United
States Air Force officer, challenged him to do his duty for the
country. McNerney is an expert in wind energy engineering and has
worked on national security programs in the past. The Albuquerque,
New Mexico native, settled in Pleasanton with his wife Mary in
1990. He began consulting for local organizations and companies in
1994, including Pacific Gas and Electric, Flowind and The Electric
Power Research Institute.
Pleasanton energy consultant runs for Congressional District 11 seat

Democrat Jerry McNerney is hoping to bring with him a wind of change as he runs for to represent the 11th Congressional District, which includes parts of Morgan Hill. The candidate is one of several running for the House of Representatives, including Republican incumbent Richard Pombo.

McNerney comes to the race with no political background, but took up the challenge of running when his son, Michael, an United States Air Force officer, challenged him to do his duty for the country. McNerney is an expert in wind energy engineering and has worked on national security programs in the past. The Albuquerque, New Mexico native, settled in Pleasanton with his wife Mary in 1990. He began consulting for local organizations and companies in 1994, including Pacific Gas and Electric, Flowind and The Electric Power Research Institute.

“Running for Congress is an incredible opportunity to possibly go to Washington [D.C.] and fight for the things I believe in,” he said, after entering the race.

McNerney agreed to share is thoughts on the issues facing his Congressional district and his plans if he ends up in Washington with the Sunday Pinnacle.

Q. Our region has some of the worst air quality in the Bay Area. Is there anything

Congress should be doing to address the issue of pollution?

A. Yes, certainly. Much of the pollution comes from private and commercial vehicles.

As a Congressman, I would support legislation requiring our vehicles to have better fuel

efficiency, utilizing already-existing technology. This approach, combined with new

diesel technology using bio-diesel fuel, could halve auto emissions in the next decade,

resulting in cleaner air for all of our communities.

Q. Have you been involved in politics on a local level and what experience do you have

that qualifies you for the United States Congress?

A. I have not had prior experience in politics. But seeing the corruption that is so

prevalent in our district and in our nation’s capitol, I felt that it was my duty to challenge

the incumbent. As a small businessman and innovator in renewable energy, I understand

many of the critical issues that face our nation. I believe that working together, we can

solve our problems and build a better future for ourselves and our children.

Q. Agriculture is a big part of the economy in California and parts of the region you hope

to represent. What are some of the issues facing agriculture that you hope to address if

you become a Member of Congress?

A. We need to develop policies that benefit small farms and make farming profitable.

We must simplify government regulations, address water issues fairly, and devise a

system of farm subsidies that benefits all farmers, not just large agri-business. We also

need to revisit NAFTA and CAFTA so that our farmers are not at such a competitive

disadvantage in foreign trade. I support Dianne Feinstein’s proposals for initiating a guest

worker program.

Q. The issue of affordable housing is one that is of concern for many residents in this

district. Is this an issue for the Congress to address and what solutions do you see to

increase affordable housing in your district?

A. Affordable housing is a serious concern.My children will not be able to afford the house that they grew up in. However, this is not necessarily a federal issue and should be addressed by local governments with urban growth and smart growth measures that provide real estate for housing while protecting critical farmland, allowing open space, and protecting wildlife.

Q. What do you see as the biggest challenges facing local education and what are your

plans to address them?

A. Educational funding is always a concern and we must decide as a society that we will provide sufficient funding for education. But funding alone is not enough. We must recognize as a society that education is critical to our nation’s future and become involved in the educational process at all levels to honor teachers and student achievers within our society. Our future depends on it.

Q. What are your plans to help local citizens who do not have health insurance?

A. The current lack of affordable healthcare is hurting our families, our businesses and

our local governments. It is time that we end partisan bickering and work together to

develop a system that provides affordable healthcare for every family in this country. I

am willing to work with any member of Congress to achieve this goal.

Q. How do you plan to stay connected to the district if you are elected and how will you

keep in touch with the needs of the residents?

A. I am committed to working with the citizens of this district and their local leaders to turn our shared vision of a better future into a reality. I have traveled from town to town, making friends and building relationships with individuals within the many communities that make up this district. As a Congressman, I would continue to maintain open dialogues with all the people of this district, not just by visiting in person, but communicating through phone, fax, email and even blogs.

Q. Your website includes a blog. What prompted you to create a blog and how do you

plan to use it throughout the campaign?

A. My campaign created a blog on the website because it allows us to communicate directly with citizens from all over this large district. I want to hear about the issues that concern individuals – that’s how I learn. The blog also allows me to share my ideas and visions for creating a better future for all of us.

Q. What do you see as the top three issues facing the district?

A. The economy, education, and healthcare. And they all tie together. We must build a

robust and prosperous economy within our district, one that creates good jobs close to

home and also generates the financial resources to improve education, healthcare, and our

quality of life. And that’s why I am running for Congress, because I am committed to

America’s future. Because I believe we must take the steps today to invest in that future.

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