After Mr. Jaime De La Cruz’s camp alleged the district attorney
was having an affair, the DA canceled criminal grand jury
proceedings to consider admitted-to felony charges against Mr. De
La Cruz.
Dear Editor,
After Mr. Jaime De La Cruz’s camp alleged the district attorney was having an affair, the DA canceled criminal grand jury proceedings to consider admitted-to felony charges against Mr. De La Cruz.
The allegations should have been a moot point, but became a vocal point and solidified the allegations.
Now, 10-months later, with the blessing of the DA, Mr. De La Cruz pleads no contest to one misdemeanor charge, part of a plea bargain which he claims as his victory. Obviously!
I’m not proficient in law, but since when is an admitted felon eligible to plea bargain?
Next, you have the DA telling you what a win for the people of San Benito. A successful prosecution he boasts! By whose account?
Remember, Mr. De La Cruz should never have had his name on the ballot as a legal candidate. He signed an election petition, under penalty of perjury, as being the circulator, which he was not. This petition along with all signatures should have been voided.
By all accounts Mr. De La Cruz should not be the District 5 supervisor.
It’s time the Attorney General’s Office re-visited this case and start with the DA. Why is the DA insulting our intelligence and giving admitted felons a free pass?
Now the DA harassment case has been settled. Once again, we have the DA telling us this is a victory for the people of San Benito County, and the DA personally. A victory for the DA, yes. For the people of San Benito County, no!
Why is the DA standing in the way of justice and democracy?
Noreen Martin, Hollister