After reading all the whining about John Sarsfield so much, I
would like to let the public know some facts that contradict many
complaints that are not true.
“After reading all the whining about John Sarsfield so much, I would like to let the public know some facts that contradict many complaints that are not true.
According to the grand jury report, 1995-1996, which I have in my possession, one of the grand jurors was Mrs. Sarsfield. I was one of the grand jury members for the county of San Benito, which means there is no such thing as an ‘out-of-town DA,’ which I read in the Citizens Voice section of the Free Lance.
Also, the complaints of the DA not being at work on time. How many employees tell the boss that he or she better be at work on time?
As an elected official, the DA is the boss in the office of the district attorney. I believe the will of the people prevailed.
Also, the matter of the backlog of documents to be processed for the court. Some of us saw the stacks of documents waiting to be processed by the district attorney, soon after being elected.
Of course, we must not forget the guilty or not results in court. The charts I saw, the guilty far outnumber the not guilty.
We may not agree on any given issue all the time about results, but at least do some research before we make any comments in the news media that may be untrue. Let’s be honest to everyone and to ourselves.
My name does not matter as I do not seek approval of my opinion.
Remember one thing about the coffee breaks that Mr. Sarsfield takes, could it be a coffee break? From work? Think about it.
Last but not least, how many times has a district attorney offered consumer protection services?”