California voters will now have to decide whether Gov. (Gray)
Davis should be recalled.
Dear Editor:
California voters will now have to decide whether Gov. (Gray) Davis should be recalled.
I supported Green Party candidate Peter Camejo, and I am not a supporter of Gov. Davis, yet I strongly disagree with this $35 million effort to unseat him. The voters decided already in the last election that he should be governor.
While I disagree with some of the governor’s policies like cutting the education budget while increasing spending on prisons, I believe that the intentions of certain Republicans are self-serving and opportunistic.
Many of California’s economic woes began with energy trading scandals and corporate fraud that included Enron and Arthur Andersen (which by the way, are friends of President Bush). Yet, Gov. Davis is being solely targeted.
Selective amnesia characterizes the current state of affairs in California. I wonder why the Republican opposition stops at Gray Davis and does not go after the fraudulent corporations and their political allies in the White House.
The opportunistic bantering of politicians should not go unnoticed.
I will vote “no” to recall Gov. Davis and will remember who supported this $35-million debacle in future elections.
Joe Navarro,