The following events, organizations and people deserve either a
Thumbs Up or a Thumbs Down this week.
THUMBS UP: For Homecoming. After the prom, this is probably the most important tradition for any high school, and we want to wish everybody a great time this weekend. If you’re a student, please do us all, especially your loved ones, a favor: be responsible. Have the best possible time, but do it in a safe and sober manner. We want all of you around to celebrate future homecomings.

THUMBS DOWN: For the Hollister City Council. We understand the council was only following the law when it revoked the business permit of Avon lady Sharon Sausedo. But from where we sit, it appeared that Ms. Sausedo had made a reasonable effort to comply with the terms of the permit. One of her immediate neighbors spoke up on her behalf, but the council chose to listen more closely to another neighbor who clearly had nothing better to do than become what the French call a ‘petit concierge’ – a busybody.

THUMBS UP: To local winemakers. These are heady days in the vineyards. It’s a lot of work to bring in the harvest for the crush and begin the process of fermentation that ends in one of civilization’s great mysteries: a great bottle of wine. Fans of Bacchus everywhere wish our local vintners the best. We’re looking forward to sticking our nose in a glass many months from now and enjoying the fruits, if you will, of your labor.

THUMBS UP: To local students. Many residents of San Benito County have displayed an admirable selflessness in response to the tragedies of hurricanes Rita and Katrina. But we would like to give a special nod to the many county pupils taking part in the annual Harvest Food Drive, the proceeds of which go to feed the needy here in San Benito County. These kids have stepped it up a notch, and they deserve a ton of credit for their efforts – actually 30 tons, since that is the goal for the amount of food they hope to gather. Good job!

THUMBS UP: To Hollister Mayor Pauline Valdivia, for whom we wish a speedy recovery from recent surgery to remove a benign tumor from the back of her head. No jokes, now, about politicians and thick skulls. Get well soon, Pauline.

THUMBS UP: Finally, to our own Denise Cauthen-Wright, who after too many years to count selling ads for the Free Lance will be taking on a new challenge as head of the San Juan Bautista Chamber of Commerce. It is their gain, and our loss, and we wish Denise all the luck in the world. The Chamber could not have chosen better.

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