I am a new resident of San Benito County (2.5 years) and the
volunteer chairperson of the San Benito County Chapter of the
American Red Cross. Recently, I read an anonymous letter in the

Citizens Voice

in the Free Lance (9/30/03), which asked where the Chapter was
and what the Chapter is doing. I am hoping I can shed some light on
I am a new resident of San Benito County (2.5 years) and the volunteer chairperson of the San Benito County Chapter of the American Red Cross. Recently, I read an anonymous letter in the “Citizens Voice” in the Free Lance (9/30/03), which asked where the Chapter was and what the Chapter is doing. I am hoping I can shed some light on this.

The writer asks, “How come the doors…are always closed…Isn’t the Red Cross supposed to be here for the people of San Benito.” Well, your Red Cross is here for you in times of tragedy, as in the several house fires this year. Your Red Cross assisted the families to find temporary shelter, clothing and food. Your Red Cross executive director, Kathryn Engelhard, was there to help the kittens in the wildfire that killed their mother. Our Disaster Response Teams are there for you during emergencies 24/7, for both the victims and our local firemen.

The writer then asks, “If you call the office…no one local answers..” Local disasters are just one part of your Red Cross. The Chapter engages our sister Chapter in San Diego to handle cases after hours. This is a vital service to keep overseas communication with our troops serving abroad. Your Chapter of the American Red Cross has helped family members reach their loved ones during the past and during the most recent armed conflict. As for calls during our regular business hours, they go right to the Chapter. If someone is not available at that time, we have a local answering machine and our staff will call you back. Please be assured that the local authorities will notify your Red Cross if we are needed to respond to an emergency.

The next question was “Who is running the Red Cross?…” Thank you for asking. As for your staff, I am very pleased to re-introduce our Chapter Executive Director, Kathryn. Kathryn joined us just over a year ago. She brings to the residents of San Benito County 14 years of service in the Red Cross. She has performed her duties with grace and integrity during very difficult times for the Red Cross and all non-profits. Your Health & Service coordinator is Elizabeth, a veteran of the San Benito Red Cross. Your Disaster Services Coordinator is Tina. Tina has re-joined your team and is doing a great job. Tina is also helping out with Health & Safety classes as Elizabeth gets ready for a new arrival (baby). I do not have the space to list all the volunteers but I am one and your whole board is made up of volunteers. The Disaster Responders are volunteers, some of the office staff are volunteers, you even have youth volunteers helping to make sure all children are inoculated against measles. I would like to add that the youth volunteer program in San Benito was the brainchild of your executive director. Want to find out more and who we are? Come on in to the office, we will be glad to tell you.

The final question asks, “The Red Cross used to be very active and involved…It’s not any more…” This is a tough question. I would first say that your Red Cross was active in quite a few events in past years that did not further your Chapter’s charter mandate. Due to fiscal issues, we have had to take a very hard look at what community events we participate in as a major participant (for example: providing the First Aid Booth) and which events we just participate in. In these difficult financial times your Chapter resources are heavily tapped. As your volunteer board, we must always honor our donors intent and we do so by focusing that limited resource to disaster services, facilitating communication between our armed service families, providing health & safety classes and sponsoring events to raise funds that further the previous missions. Secondly, I would say that your Red Cross is very active in the community. I know for a fact that most everybody I meet knows that I am a proud Red Cross Volunteer. Also, look for Kathryn at Rotary, LeTip, and numerous speaking engagements. The board has adopted a goal to make San Benito County the safest county in California.

To whom ever wrote the letter to the Free Lance, I must say thank you! It is too often that San Benito County’s Red Cross is just there for you in times of need and it is time for all of the county to know and be as proud of San Benito County Chapter of the American Red Cross as I am. We are able to do all that we do only through generous donations from our residents and companies. Your Red Cross does not receive government funding, it is people helping people and together saving lives.

I would love to see all the residents of San Benito County be Red Crossers. So, come into your chapter and volunteer, give blood, get trained, and donate. “Together we can save a life” and we can make our community great!

Michael McLennan,

Chapter Chair and proud volunteer of the American Red Cross

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