57.1 F
March 18, 2025

Tag: soccer

BRIEFS: Soccer team to host alumni game Saturday

The San Benito High boys soccer program will host an alumni game

Sports in brief

Soccer team to host alumni game

SOCCER: Gavilan finishes season with loss to Cabrillo

The Gavilan College men's soccer team lost its regular season

SOCCER: Gavilan wraps up season at Cabrillo

The Gavilan College men's soccer team will wrap up its regular

SOCCER: Hartnell blanks Gavilan, 5-0

The Gavilan College men's soccer team was silenced 5-0 by

BRIEFS: Free baseball fundamentals clinic scheduled for Saturday

Break Threw Baseball, a free baseball fundamentals clinic, will

Sports briefs

Bolado Park announces junior golf program

SOCCER: Gavilan, De Anza finish 0-0

In the midst of the most difficult part of its Coast Conference

BRIEFS: Former Lady Balers to play on ESPN U Monday night

Former Lady Balers and current Utah State volleyball players

Sports in brief

San Juan Oaks to host PGA Tour Qualifying Tournament

